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500 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Efficacy of bounties by reward amount

Is there any data available on how often bountied questions receive answers? Can we stratify by bounty amount, to see if we're actually 'getting more bang for our buck' when we bounty higher amounts? ...
Alec Rhea's user avatar
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Is anybody else not seeing comments on their iPhone?

Starting last night I can no longer see comments when using the site on my iPhone, nor can I comment. Things are fine on my iPad just not my iPhone. I am wondering if anybody else has ever had this ...
Benjamin Steinberg's user avatar
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Question on topic for Mathoverflow?

My question, asked months ago, was well received. Now... I'm wondering if this question is on-topic for MathOverflow: Consider a semi-Riemannian manifold $\zeta^{2,2}$ with metric, $g=\frac{dxdy}{xy}+...
geocalc33's user avatar
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Preview failing to parse double backslash in large matrices?

A couple of times now, I've been entering a large matrix here or on math.SE and, in the preview window, all the rows appear on a single line. Once the question posts, it displays correctly. I most ...
David E Speyer's user avatar
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Garbled MathJax in a link to a question with MathJax in the title

The following occurs on my activity page: The question it links to is Is there an explicit expression for Chebyshev polynomials modulo $x^r-1$? and it seems that the MathJax in the end somehow got ...
მამუკა ჯიბლაძე's user avatar
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Wrong rendering in narrow width in Safari

When I view the front page right now in Safari, I see: Notice that the question mark, which the poster properly placed at the end of the equation (see the question (before another edit removed the ...
LSpice's user avatar
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Why is community bulletin no longer shown on MathOverflow?

Community bulletin is a block displayed in the top right part of the site which shows some of the questions on meta (and sometimes also some other stuff). It is useful, because it attracts attention ...
Martin Sleziak's user avatar
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A markdown question: are custom list number formats possible?

For list numbering, 1., 2., ... are used. Could I change this somehow, to use, say, (1), (2), ... or i), ii), ...?
მამუკა ჯიბლაძე's user avatar
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Help Center "On Topic" first section's header doesn't match the text below it

Current Issue: I was glancing through the help center's articles, and the article's structure on the What topics can I ask about here? page doesn't really make sense and confused me a bit. The first ...
Davy M's user avatar
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How should questions about (various meanings of) coverings be tagged?

The word covering has various meanings in mathematics. Quite often choosing a tag-name which has several unrelated meanings can lead to problems - typically bunch of rather unrelated questions end up ...
Martin Sleziak's user avatar
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Should my question be migrated?

I asked a question about the time-complexity of a problem on MathOverflow. Is it a good idea to migrate this to Theoretical Computer Science, since I almost had no response at all here?
Axel Dahlberg's user avatar
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Is it possible to change the author of a problem on mathoverflow?

By a mistake I have written the problem Is "weakly good" series in a finite-dimensional Banach space "good"? from my account instead of writing it from the account of Lviv Scottish ...
Taras Banakh's user avatar
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Thread for asking about suitability of math.SE question on MO?

Often there are questions of the type: "I have posted this question on math.SE. No satisfactory answer so far. Would this question be suitable for MathOverflow?" People ask this in various places: ...
Martin Sleziak's user avatar
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Border line MO-Math Stackexchange

Occasionally there are questions that are beyond the level of Math Stackexchange(they get few views and no responds) but also for whatever reason the consensus on MO is that such questions don't quite ...
BigM's user avatar
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What is the best time of the year to ask a question?

I wonder if there is any data on whether questions receive more attention in some months, while less in some others. Is it better to ask during Christmas or the summer break, at the beginning or at ...
domotorp's user avatar
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Recently Posted Question Limited Visibility

Earlier today, I posted following question. Shortly later, I noticed that it was no longer visible when one looks at the "Newest" list for the tags fourier-analysis and harmonic-analysis, both of ...
Matt Rosenzweig's user avatar
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Is "Reputation Top 0.90%" accurate?

This is a bit of a nit-pick, but I don't let my students get away with this, so it seems worth mentioning. In the reputation section of a user's page it might say something like: Reputation top 0.90% ...
Joe Silverman's user avatar
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My question is flagged as being potentially subjective and therefore liable to be closed. Opinions please

I have a 'soft' question as follows: 'How did you first become interested in becoming a mathematician?' The sort of answers I'm seeking are factual rather than subjective, e.g. I first ...
chasly - supports Monica's user avatar
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Migrating question from Math SE

I posted this question on Math SE a month ago but it has had no responses even though I also placed a bounty on it. Whilst it is at graduate level, I'm unsure whether to ask it here since the ...
Matt B's user avatar
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Is this measure theory question suitable for MO?

A moderator at Mathematics StackExchange asks if this question would be suitable for migration to MO: https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/1331258/using-a-sequence-of-measures-to-create-simple-...
Todd Trimble's user avatar
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I want to post a question on MathOverflow, but is it suitable?

I posted a question "A question on the remainders of integer division" on Mathematics one week ago. There is not any answer until now. I do not think it is a question of professional level, but it ...
KWSK's user avatar
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Flagging questions answered in comments

Several times e.g. here and its links, people have discussed the issue of questions of effectively answered in the comments, both here and on MSE, which remain in the unanswered queue. Despite the ...
Kimball's user avatar
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I don't succeed in hiding paragraphs using >!

I found here in the spoilers paragraph that putting >! would hide the following things, which was a way for me to alleviate a question's heavy presentation by hiding paragraphs that could be seen if ...
Olórin's user avatar
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Testing my flair

The MO user's page has a button flair. I didn't know where and how to test it. Thus I have to decided to do it here, at least temporarily. I have copied the snipped mentioned in the explanation (if it ...
Włodzimierz Holsztyński's user avatar
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What has been the problem with the question?

I have some questions relating to this post. Actually I can't seem to figure out what has gone wrong with the question. In my view, it was not off-topic. Perhaps my representation may be vague. In ...
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Encouraging patience on cross-posts

I realize that there has been a lot of discussion about cross-posting an migrating between MO and MSE. It seems to me that it is common for someone to be unsure on whether a question is an MSE ...
Neil Hoffman's user avatar
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Where is the canonical place to submit Mathjax bug reports?

For example, here is an issue I've been having with Chrome on a Nexus tablet.
Peter McNamara's user avatar
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list of tags in chronological order

Is there a way to see a list all tags in chronological order (date created). I know one can see 'new' created tags, but my question is about all tags.
Name's user avatar
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Vote to reopen question regarding connected and total domination on the queen's graph

[Note: Now reopened!] The question concerns the limit as $n\to\infty$ of $\gamma_t(Q_n)/n$. It is known to be between $\frac{4}{7}$ and $\frac{2}{3}$. As connected and total domination the queen'...
Paul Burchett's user avatar
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Closing one's own question

Sometimes I ask a question and a helpful commenter points out that the question is ill-founded. This seems like a straight-up case for closing the question, but unfortunately the best I can do is vote ...
Tom LaGatta's user avatar
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Navigation tab position bug on tag pages for tags that have featured questions

When there are featured questions for a tag, the inclusion of the "featured" tab in the header cause the tabs to flow out of position. (I'm using Chrome 34.0.1847.131 and Firefox 29.0.1 ...
Jeremy's user avatar
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Non-research level question

I just gave an answer to the following question: https://mathoverflow.net/questions/153157/a-lemma-on-the-growth-of-the-number-of-certain-edge-paths-for-a-given-train-trac/153170 but I think the ...
Sam Nead's user avatar
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Chat does not appear in the sidebar

The chat doesn't seem to appear in the sidebar on the main site (although it does on Meta). ManishEarth has suggested that this might be due to the no-ads agreement. I think it would be useful to have ...
Evan Jenkins's user avatar
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Twitter account in the personal information

I recently checked my personal information and saw that there still is a possibility to add a link to twitter account. Question: Should the fact that twitter is now $\mathbb{X}$ and not so "...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
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Why can't question titles end with a period?

This is probably a duplicate, but gentle searching didn't turn it up; it's hard to know what'd be a good query. I tried several times (within the grace period, so it only shows up once) to submit an ...
LSpice's user avatar
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Do lookalike characters in question titles pose any risks?

Attacks via "lookalike domains" are a known malicious trick. Is any risk posed by a lookalike question title? I know that's rather vague, and it's a concern that seldom arises. I give an ...
LSpice's user avatar
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Including a hash character (#) in a math equation causes it to not render (in new-question page)

I want to ask a question about a paper that uses this notation: However, when I typeset it in MathJax with ...
Lawton's user avatar
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Question titles do not auto-expand if URL contains non-ASCII characters?

Consider two versions of What is the modulus of continuity of this function that is continuous, increasing and bounded but nowhere locally Hölder?. Notice that, in the first version, the linked ...
LSpice's user avatar
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What happened to my MathOverflow account?

I posted this question from my account two days ago. Now suddenly, I saw I don't have an account any longer. I tried to log in and Overflow created a new account. Can someone please shed some light on ...
Dumbest person on earth's user avatar
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Cannot "Mark all as read" under very specific circumstances

This might deserve to be closed; it seems to be a bug, but a very, very minor one. The conditions under which I observed it were rather specific. I'm not sure which of the conditions were important, ...
LSpice's user avatar
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In Safari on macOS, a numbered list beginning with a displayed equation swallows the number

This bug report did not originally mention the platform and the renderer. I originally put them at the end, but it occurs to me that they're more useful up front. Thanks to @DavidRoberts and @...
LSpice's user avatar
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AMScd columns not aligning

The code \require{AMScd}\begin{CD} 0 @>>> \mathbf D(C) \\ 0 @>>> M \end{CD} produces $$\require{AMScd}\begin{CD} 0 @>>> \mathbf D(C) \\ ...
LSpice's user avatar
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Planar geometry on MO

"Planar geometry" here is 2-dimensional Euclidean geometry, usually used as Olympiad geometry problem, its objects just be a bunch of lines and circles, it has no Combinatoric aspect and not ...
Veronica Phan's user avatar
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Would this question be appropriate on the main site?

I would like to ask a "big list" style question on the main site. The question would be "How do we pronounce the names of famous mathematicians?". Each answer would be an audio ...
Steven Gubkin's user avatar
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My closed question was never reviewed to be reopened

Two weeks ago I posted this question: What is a good formalization of this classic math puzzle? The question was closed within hours (presumably based on a misunderstanding), I made some edits a few ...
Martin Weidner's user avatar
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Braces are not rendered in MathJax in the preview of a question

I am using Firefox 94.0.1, with no user scripts. I have a few add-ons, which I can list if needed, but, since the behaviour does not always occur, they cannot always be interfering. My renderer is <...
LSpice's user avatar
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A case when the closure reason might be unclear to the OP (and possibly others)

There is this question I have read about the 3x+1 conjecture so I am thinking of 3x-1 instead closed as not research level. It is about replacing $3n+1$ with $3n-1$ in the Collatz conjecture. OP shows ...
მამუკა ჯიბლაძე's user avatar
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Math-mode formula in comment breaks incorrectly across lines

In the following comment, both summands should appear before the period: The source for the comment is: ...
LSpice's user avatar
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Clicking question author username sends to revision history

This happens with Every mathematician has only a few tricks: the link with the author username leads to the revision history. I checked several other questions, including some cw (this one is cw), ...
მამუკა ჯიბლაძე's user avatar
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About votes by 101 users

Related: this So I have just run a query at SEDE, and get the following data: Upvotes cast by rep 101 users: 66626 Upvotes cast by all users: 1777003 Hence by simple calculation, we get $$\frac {...
user12986714's user avatar

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