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500 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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What are the precise steps of processing a feature request?

There are many feature request posts on meta. Some of them turned into special features of Mathoverflow after receiving positive feedback of the community but most of them never became anything more ...
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Why does MathOverflow keep logging me out?

I'm getting tired of logging in to MathOverflow ten times a day. The other Stack Exchange sites I use keep me logged in, and so did MathOverflow until recently. What is different about MathOverflow? ...
bof's user avatar
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Requesting solutions to graduate textbooks is off-topic?

Today this question was put on Hold as off-topic https://mathoverflow.net/questions/186117/solutions-for-categories-for-the-working-mathematician I wander if this is a disservice in fact. I suspect ...
Reimundo Heluani's user avatar
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Can I associate my account to two gmail addresses?

I just changed jobs and so I got a new email account. Both are through Gmail. I prefer to keep them separate rather than trying to merge them. When I log in to MathOverflow I always verify using ...
David White's user avatar
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Receiving a badge for an answer before providing the answer

I just noticed that I appear to have received two 'necromancer' badges before I even gave the corresponding answers: for instance, compare the dates on the list of badges with the date on this answer. ...
Ricardo Andrade's user avatar
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What are mirrors of mathoverflow?

I am looking for mirrors of mathoverflow. Searching for questions so far found: http://lfhck.com/site/mathoverflow/1 http://mathdiscussions.aircraftdata.net/ http://hwnvoc.youdegreeearn.com/...
joro's user avatar
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Should this question remain closed?

The OP of How to project a vector onto a very large, non-orthogonal subspace has written to complain that the question was closed unfairly. The question is too far from my area of expertise to be ...
Todd Trimble's user avatar
  • 53.3k
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Must I be precise when asking questions, or will readers fill gaps based on context?

Suppose I asked a question about graphs; do I always have to precisely define, what kind of graph I mean (directed/undirected, with/without parallel edges, with/without loops, connected or not, with ...
Manfred Weis's user avatar
  • 13.2k
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Weird display of results from search

The results from this search don't seem to display properly. I'm assuming that it is not restricted to this search alone. Added later: I have included a screenshot below. What I'm referring to is the ...
Michael Albanese's user avatar
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Editing of the help center and about

Try to add some meat to the on topic page. Also, in the about page, you can edit the site target audience, the example question, and the bullet points that define what to ask about/what not to ask ...
Manishearth's user avatar
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Math Overflow not available as a chat parent user

I was configuring the Teacher's Lounge ping for MO when I realized that currently, the option to change chat parent user to MO is not available. Could this be added? Also, superpings don't seem to ...
Manishearth's user avatar
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Letters in \mathfrak appear displaced vertically

For me at least, the letters in $\mathfrak{su}$ appear vertically displaced — the "$\mathfrak{s}$" is lower than the "$\mathfrak{u}$". This happens only in the text body or in the ...
gmvh's user avatar
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Possible delay/review to deal with troll posts

In light of the ongoing garbage flood, I am curious whether the following would be possible to institute (and/or a good idea): When a new/unregistered (or under-X-rep.) account posts an answer or ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
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Missing brackets in $\{x\}$ in drafts, not missing in the final question/product

I am using the latest version of Firefox on Linux (bodhi linux) as well as Mac and Windows. Some $\LaTeX$ is not typeset correctly in MathOverflow: whenever I type a set, like the singleton $\{x\}$, ...
Dominic van der Zypen's user avatar
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Is there a way to recover old account without email?

I would like to recover my account https://mathoverflow.net/users/2029/andrey-gogolev I don't seem to remember the email associated to it. Even if I did I probably don't have that email address ...
Andrey Gogolev's user avatar
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Partial answer accepted, thinking it could have been easily extended and provided enough insights

Some days ago I posted a question and I accepted an answer, "although it’s only a very partial answer," as the answer author wrote in a comment. I accepted it because I thought that it ...
Penelope Benenati's user avatar
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Would such a "big list" on known bounds for distances between $2^S-3^N$ be appropriate for MO?

After new questions and/or activities on older questions on "bounds for distances $2^S-3^N$" appeared in MO I thought whether a [BigList] or [CommunityWiki] on known such bounds (their ...
Gottfried Helms's user avatar
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Can we recover old MathOverflow Meta "Tea" discussions?

Today I flagged a question as needing to be made community wiki. I thought about why, and found this old question of mine here. Carlo Beenakker helpfully linked to a thread on the old tea. Link ...
David White's user avatar
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What should I do if I believe to found the answer to my question but I'm not sure?

Four months ago I asked one question in MO and had no expected answer. After following the clues from comments of other users I realized that, in that time, I didn't even know how to properly ask what ...
Diego Santos's user avatar
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Long display style formulae extend too much to the right with some renderers

In the following screen capture, take a look at the region delimited by the red rectangle: notice how it extends too much to the right, such that a part of it becomes hidden by the yellow page element....
Alex M.'s user avatar
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How to find out why a post was deleted

It would help to know why a post was deleted, I believe in this case automatically by a MO monitoring robot. I am not judging the decision, but would like to know why, to avoid asking such questions ...
Vincent Granville's user avatar
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How can I see the line length available for long mathematical expressions in posting on MO?

In typing up a question (or answer) on MO, I try to format a long mathematical expression so that it fits in one line. When I meet with apparent success, as shown in the wysiwyg box underneath the box ...
John Bentin's user avatar
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Help center text references a thread but doesn't indicate which one

In the "What about open problems?" section of https://mathoverflow.net/help, the last line says "To join the discussion about how MathOverflow should deal with open problems, go to this ...
user44191's user avatar
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Can't submit edit review

I was prompted to review some edits with the little dot in the upper right hand corner, but when I went to do my editorial duty I found that only the 'skip' button was clickable: I tried selecting ...
Alec Rhea's user avatar
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Deprecating an old link

This question comes from this list of edits: https://mathoverflow.net/posts/86827/revisions An old answer included a link to a now-deprecated website (which has been taken over by a porn website); a ...
user44191's user avatar
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Blocked migration to MathSE

The following MO question Why is $O(n;k)$ not connected, and has four connected components? (revisions/timeline) had the following history had a detailed answer (a) has been closed as off-topic (by ...
YCor's user avatar
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Are there some situations when duplicates are not shown among linked questions?

I was under the impression that if Question A is closed as a duplicate of Question B then they are linked, meaning that if you view Question A then you will see Question B in the sidebar among linked ...
Martin Sleziak's user avatar
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Is it expected my avatar to change today, without me changing any settings?

I am pretty sure yesterday my avatar was in light colors, while today is black and white, definitely different image. Haven't done any changes in my settings and the email is the same. Is this ...
joro's user avatar
  • 25.4k
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Monthly reputation counts tab on Users page is wrong

On the user page, if you click on the Month tab, the mouseover says "2016-08-01 to today" but the reputation counts are too high for that period. They seem instead likely related to the past 30 days ...
Joel David Hamkins's user avatar
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Recent question considered off-topic?

I recently posted this question, which was flagged as off-topic: How to approach the stigma of not having a math degree? I'm not sure why it was flagged. MO asks for questions about research-level ...
Fred E. Katt's user avatar
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On a question previously posted on Math .SE

Some days ago I have asked this question but I got no response. Will it be ok if I post this question in this site (I am asking this because crossposting isn't generally welcomed in this site)? Also ...
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I think I solved an old problem, can someone please check it for me?

Sorry if this is inappropriate to ask on meta, but back in April I updated an old answer of mine that is over two years old here, on the existence of a zero sum subset problem. I suspect due to how ...
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Would this M.SE question that has received no answers be appropriate for MO? (or could it be tweaked into being appropriate?)

https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/667830/modern-research-into-grassmans-theory-of-forms When I first posted it on MO, it received a downvote, so I figured there might be something wrong with ...
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Why was this question (sorting a countable infinite set) deleted?

A recent question on the complexity of sorting a countable infinite set (Sorting of countabe set) was apparently deleted. I'm curious why. (Certainly, the question was poorly written, with no ...
Noah Schweber's user avatar
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Reviewing questions outside one's expertise

The review system is rigged to nudge users into action rather than non-action. This means that when someone opens a review, if they want to review, there is a good chance that they will act on a low ...
Asaf Karagila's user avatar
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Newest Questions tab showing last active user rather than the asker

Apparently this is stackexchange wide and is a bug. Here is the illustration from the question "Newest Questions" tab showing last active user instead of the asker I did ask, it is ...
Will Jagy's user avatar
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Discrepancy between MathOverflow logo and this site's logo

There is a slight difference between the sizes of the boxes in the MO logo and the Meta.MO logo. The MO logo's box is slightly longer and the gap in the rightmost side is slightly less tall. The ...
C7X's user avatar
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A mathjax issue with stars in super/subscripts

I encountered Topos associated to a category with glowing-red \*s in it. When trying to edit them out I discovered that whenever I try to replace an ...
მამუკა ჯიბლაძე's user avatar
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Why doesn't the prime in $\sum_n'$ sit flush against the summation symbol?

The TeX snippets $\sum_n'$ \sum_n' and $\sum_n^\prime$ \sum_n^\prime should (as with all things TeX, barring trickery) be ...
LSpice's user avatar
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Blocking things from feed

Is it possible to block certain users or tags from appearing on one’s personal feed?
Monroe Eskew's user avatar
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mathcal notation fails to render in Chrome

I recently noticed that "\mathcal" no longer renders. Example post but it renders fine in Safari Chrome: 111.0.5563.146 (Official Build) (x86_64) Safari: Version 16.4 (18615. ...
Yaroslav Bulatov's user avatar
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MathJax in edited question title gets badly mis-parsed in diff view

A recent question received an edit to its MathJax, including in the title. Viewing the diff in the edit history, the edited MathJax in the title gets very badly mis-parsed in the diff view, as shown ...
Peter LeFanu Lumsdaine's user avatar
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Drop-down lists

Would it be possible to have markdown drop-down lists in MO? I think that hiding lengthy examples, components of long proofs, edited out text etc., inside such menus could add readability.
Yaakov Baruch's user avatar
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Can I ask this question on Math Overflow? (Advice on how to get started)

I am thinking of applying for a maths PhD programme. I have more or less an idea of the subfield I'd like to research, but not much more than that. I'm looking for suggestions on how to properly ...
Nicola's user avatar
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Limits on overflowed integrals are too far away from the integral sign

I edited Multiplying divergent integrals using Hardy fields approach to put equations clearly meant to be displayed in display mode. Once I did so, one of the equations exhibited very strange spacing,...
LSpice's user avatar
  • 12.9k
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1000 Questions by Dominic van der Zypen!

Amazing milestone! Our first $1000$-question user. Question # $1000$: "Edge sets on 𝜔 maximal with respect to chromatic number".
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
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Is this soft question acceptable?

Edited version: What are great examples of comprehensively archived mathematical correspondence (including both handwritten and electronic items)? Previous version : How should mathematicians archive ...
Thomas Sauvaget's user avatar
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Occasionally reproducible bug with macro definitions in a draft post affecting macro use in comments

In the course of a discussion involving using MathJax to re-define macros, I couldn't recall if MathJax obeys a \newcommand for an already-defined macro, and so ...
LSpice's user avatar
  • 12.9k
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Criteria for Top question?

I posed a question on Mathoverflow which got no votes, but it made it to Top question. I supplied an answer, while nobody else proposed an answer. How come it made it to Top question?
Frode Alfson Bjørdal's user avatar
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Questions on the mathoverflow newsletter

Good morning, everyone... I have a little question about the mathoverflow newsletter. Ever since I subscribed to it, I used to find it every Tuesday in my gmail inbox, but I have not received the ...
José Hdz. Stgo.'s user avatar

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