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33 votes

Nudge: the new Stacks editor has significant implications for this site

New Answer: Upon reflection, Emilio is 100% correct: We need to sound the alarm bells. Here's a link again to Emilio's well-thought-out answer on the main meta site explaining this, which is probably ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
  • 63.9k
14 votes

How acceptable is prosemirror-math as an editor style for this site?

Personally, I find it less usable than the status quo, but better than the new editor proposed by SE. So if it is inevitable that we will have to settle for an inferior alternative in future, this is ...
Federico Poloni's user avatar
12 votes

Nudge: the new Stacks editor has significant implications for this site

Here is one option put forward by the SE developers: switching from MathJax to prosemirror-math. For a quick look at how it works, I'll just pull this from their readme: Examples Unlike other editors,...
Emilio Pisanty's user avatar
7 votes

How acceptable is prosemirror-math as an editor style for this site?

Let me start with a positive: AMScd diagrams are supported! It seems I don't even need to explicitly include a \require{AMScd} command (at any rate, when I did, ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
  • 63.9k
5 votes

Why does a table work on preview but not on post?

There needs to be a blank line before the table header for it to render correctly in the final output. Unfortunately, the table renders properly in the preview even without a blank line before the ...
The Amplitwist's user avatar
4 votes

Why is there unexpected space at the beginning of a paragraph in an answer?

The line immediately preceding "The named..." has a single non-breaking space in it, which is preserved in the output. The editor may be using a differently configured Markdown renderer, for ...
Dmitri Pavlov's user avatar
4 votes

How long are the lines?

This was mentioned in the comments, but perhaps spelling this out in an answer makes the situation a bit clearer. When creating a new post (a new answer, a new question), the editor window and the ...
Martin Sleziak's user avatar
4 votes

Why would an equation render on preview and in an external TeX compiler, but not in post?

This is a CW answer - for experimenting. Here is the equation copy-pasted from the (current revision of the) post: $$ U_n = M\left(c-\frac{1}{n+2}\right)-M\left(c-\frac{1}{n+1}\right)\label{1}\tag{$U$}...
3 votes

How long are the lines?

There's an experimental (as of time of writing) CSS property text-wrap. Note that the linked page includes a browser compatibility chart, which is why I linked ...
Peter Taylor's user avatar
  • 7,226
3 votes

Previewed post does not match rendered post when MathJax uses *

Trying to reproduce the problem. An equation $$ 4+2=9 \tag{*}\label{1} $$ and then reference to it \eqref{1}. How does it look? Another equation $$ 4\times2 = 6 \tag{**}\label{2} $$ and a reference ...
Gerald Edgar's user avatar
  • 41.1k
2 votes

How acceptable is prosemirror-math as an editor style for this site?

It would be better if there was a way to toggle the rich-text preview.
Sam Hopkins's user avatar
  • 24.2k
1 vote

How acceptable is prosemirror-math as an editor style for this site?

Personally, I was quite happy with it. I retyped various fragments of my recent answers and found the workflow to be quite natural. I didn't try it on mobile, but I find the current system to be ...
Neil Strickland's user avatar
1 vote

Previewed post does not match rendered post when MathJax uses *

I'm not able to reproduce the mismatch between preview and render. When I go to edit the question and paste the source of that revision, I get the same (undesirable) rendering in the preview. Are you ...
Anton Geraschenko's user avatar

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