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52 votes
63 answers

News of potential interest to the MO community

Occasionally, there has been a suggestion to start a meta question to collect information that might be of interest to the MO community. This is an attempt to start such a thread. Is there any news ...
13 votes
0 answers

Can we improve the way MathOverflow links appear on BlueSky?

I sometimes share MathOverflow posts on Twitter and now also on BlueSky, which seems to be appreciated. I have noticed, however, that the manner in which BlueSky interprets the MathOverflow image is ...
-8 votes
1 answer

About a recent question of mine closed within minutes:

I asked a pretty big question on overflow sometime ago : Some (philosophical) investigations on possible future of proof of Riemann Hypothesis with possible approach : Clearly I have written "...
0 votes
0 answers

A list of text recommendations

I've found Resource recommendations on Physics Stack Exchange which is a community effort to collect many book suggestions for many subjects in physics, and I thought it would be nice if there is one ...
5 votes
1 answer

Long display style formulae extend too much to the right with some renderers

In the following screen capture, take a look at the region delimited by the red rectangle: notice how it extends too much to the right, such that a part of it becomes hidden by the yellow page element....
4 votes
0 answers

Newest Questions tab showing last active user rather than the asker

Apparently this is stackexchange wide and is a bug. Here is the illustration from the question "Newest Questions" tab showing last active user instead of the asker I did ask, it is ...
5 votes
0 answers

Letters in \mathfrak appear displaced vertically

For me at least, the letters in $\mathfrak{su}$ appear vertically displaced — the "$\mathfrak{s}$" is lower than the "$\mathfrak{u}$". This happens only in the text body or in the ...
4 votes
3 answers

Mailing lists / Usenet groups for research math [closed]

For Category theory there is a well known and quite active research mailing list Do similar mailing lists or usenet groups exist for other branches of mathematics? For ...
18 votes
1 answer

Nominating other community members for the 2025 moderator election

As covered last election, there is no formal mechanism to elect other community members as potential moderation candidates, so this post will serve as an informal version of such. If there are any ...
0 votes
2 answers

Is it appropriate to ask why a textbook on nonlinear algebra is not well known?

I am wondering if it would be worthwhile to ask why a certain textbook and/or its authors (Dolotin and Morozov) are not well known. From the description of the book: This unique text presents the ...
3 votes
2 answers

Clarifying an answer that was deleted by moderators [2023]

I recently posted a controversial answer to a question, then spent a few days off site life-tending while things cooled off. When I returned with the intent of seeing how the controversy had been ...
55 votes
3 answers

Should MO require users to register to combat AI content?

This is in response to a request from David Roberts from this Meta question: Has MO been reduced to an AI training service, and if so what should we do about it?. Should MathOverflow require users to ...
1 vote
1 answer

Is this the appropriate to post a request for arxiv reference query, or is there another site I should use?

I have found a solution to a big research problem that I want to post on arxiv. Unfortunately, due to mental illness, I haven't worked in years and have no connections in any mathematical community. ...
0 votes
1 answer

Two accounts for me

I asked this question from my phone and I realized that it represent me as a new contributor. I wish to ask the question from my own account. In the past I frequently used my original ...
4 votes
1 answer

Why were two edits 29 sec apart not counted as a common edit?

I noticed a few very minor formatting issues in Large(ish) finite non-abelian subgroups of $\operatorname{GL}_n \mathbb C$ for $n>70$ and, since it was on the front page, decided to fix them as ...
3 votes
0 answers

Twitter account in the personal information

I recently checked my personal information and saw that there still is a possibility to add a link to twitter account. Question: Should the fact that twitter is now $\mathbb{X}$ and not so "...
8 votes
2 answers

If an MO post includes links to images not hosted on, should they be re-posted there?

The (very early!) post Most interesting mathematics mistake? recently came back to the front page, and I noticed that the excellent answer by @DanielMoskovich includes images sourced from Elwes's blog ...
4 votes
2 answers

Why is the subscript on an `\xrightarrow` cut off, and how can I work around it?

I've recently asked Why is the label set too high in an \xrightarrow?. Here's another \xrightarrow question. As you probably ...
35 votes
0 answers

Upcoming election announcement (2025)

As some of you have noticed, Tim Campion and Todd Trimble have stepped down from their moderator roles lately. Consequently, the MathOverflow Board and the Moderator Team have agreed that it would be ...
39 votes
5 answers

History of MathOverflow

What is history of this site? When and by whom was it created? What were the important milestones of this site?
6 votes
5 answers

Formatting Sandbox

The purpose of this thread is to enable people to check if their formatting works and to play around with their MathJax code. Quoting from Bill Dubuque's Formatting Sandbox on meta.math.SE: To use ...
26 votes
29 answers

Help cleanup tags!

This is meant to agglomerate tags that need (occasional or regular) cleanup. That is tags that mean multiple unrelated things and need to be separated into more specific tags. Please follow the ...
26 votes
2 answers

Why was diamond removed from some MO moderators?

Tim Campion and Todd Trimble are currently not listed among the moderators. And their profile pages do not list them as moderators either. At the same time, I haven't noticed some post on meta related ...
24 votes
2 answers

Should MathOverflow require registration to ask a question? [2017]

Probably anybody visiting this site regularly noticed that quite often there are posts which are not at MO-level and quite frequently also of very low quality. (Many of them are simply copy-paste of ...
2 votes
0 answers

Understanding what I might have done wrong with this question

This is in regards to my recent question: Is there a rigorous way to formalize $\operatorname{Aut}(\zeta)$?. I must admit I was very surprised at the voting here with no feedback at all. However to ...
0 votes
0 answers

Is there a way to find a comment of a deleted post?

This post in the comments of the question has a comment stating "There is a good comment by Henrik Rüping at MO." Unfortunately the link to the MO post from the question itself has ...
2 votes
0 answers

Detecting AI, and finding reasons for deletion by Community Bot

My question here is about a particular post, but I think this may be of interest in other similar cases. The post in question was titled Recurrence with square roots, and it was deleted by Community ...
3 votes
1 answer

Why is the label set too high in an `\xrightarrow`?

In $\xrightarrow{=}$, the = sign is too high. (Actually, on further experimentation, that's just the label where I first noticed it; the problem seems to occur ...
1 vote
0 answers

Does counter of answers also count deleted answers?

I noticed it at the question Outer semidirect product: the answer counter currently says "2 Answers"; there are indeed two answers, but one of them is closed, hence only visible to high ...
35 votes
3 answers

Has MO been reduced to an AI training service, and if so what should we do about it?

I feel like MO is no longer really doing what we intended. When I look at a new question, rather than trying to help a person, I start thinking: is this a human? is the question really motivated, or ...
5 votes
1 answer

Weird site URLs

If I go to MathOverflow from another SE site by clicking on the link in “Your Communities” under the right-most menu on the top-bar, I do not end up with the usual ...
17 votes
0 answers

Possible MathJax upgrade

Since not all interested MO users frequent meta.SE, here’s a heads up that some work is underway towards the possibility of upgrading MathJax v2 to v3 or v4 on Stack Exchange sites including ...
11 votes
2 answers

AI generated questions: a strange riddle?

So apparently now people are posting AI-generated questions (rather than answers). To me this makes no sense at all whatsoever -- why would anyone post a question to which neither they nor anybody ...
14 votes
1 answer

How do I recognize an AI-generated question?

Apart from "being nonsense", how do I recognize an AI-generated question? Are there telltale signs? Could you post some examples, maybe as links to deleted questions?
36 votes
0 answers

Can/should we tell people that AI cut and paste answers are not welcome?

We now commonly see new users pop up and post a string of nonsense, AI-generated answers to a bunch of questions, before their accounts are eventually banned. In order to counteract this, could we ...
11 votes
1 answer

Edits to capitalization in titles

Given that there are different rules for the capitalization of words in headlines, e.g. for newspapers; here is randomly chosen link to some rules there are no related styleguides for MO I would ...
0 votes
1 answer

How to invite a user for a private chat

How to invite a user to a Private MO chat. I read the following but I do not know how to apply it yet. Your help is appreciated I have to ...
1 vote
0 answers

Close votes on questions with good answers

When reviewing close vote queues I frequently encounter cases of several close votes on questions that have received one or more more or less elaborate answers, frequently with several upvotes each. ...
136 votes
61 answers

Best of MathOverflow, or papers inspired by MathOverflow

This is a place to collect MathOverflow success stories! Was some of your research inspired by something on MathOverflow? Do you know questions & answers that led to interesting research? ...
6 votes
1 answer

Should the tags (peano-arithmetic) and (theories-of-arithmetic) be merged?

TL;DR: Should the tags peano-arithmetic and theories-of-arithmetic be merged? Is some clean-up needed before doing that? Or are there some reasons not to merge these tags? In October 2020, a tag ...
4 votes
1 answer

Question preview MathJax error

When I search this, I get this answer preview: However, there is a dollar sign after the V=L in the post: ...
8 votes
1 answer

Disappearing comment

I posted two comments on this (quickly closed) post. My first comment disappeared. In it I explained my closure vote (which I think is polite to do). I also explained how I thought the post could be ...
12 votes
1 answer

Site in read-only mode, but users are still posting new material

For a day now, every time I go to MathOverflow, it says "This site is currently in read-only mode. We’ll return with full functionality soon." But I also see what appear to be new posts from ...
5 votes
1 answer

Why doesn’t the LaTeX render here?

This question has a block of valid LaTeX which doesn’t render when viewed except on edit mode. Below are 2 screenshots from my phone. One in edit mode and the other in regular mode. I used QuickLaTeX ...
0 votes
0 answers

What input is blacklisted on MO?

I wonder whether it could be possible to make public which input is blacklisted in titles, posts, tags here on MathOverflow. Or at least a redacted list - I could understand that the mods might keep ...
49 votes
18 answers

Interesting (and not sufficiently answered) questions on math.SE

In light of the generally positive response to this meta-thread, I am creating this to help advertise (and hopefully fully resolve) "interesting" questions on math.SE. I'm not really certain what the ...
3 votes
0 answers

Why can't question titles end with a period?

This is probably a duplicate, but gentle searching didn't turn it up; it's hard to know what'd be a good query. I tried several times (within the grace period, so it only shows up once) to submit an ...
0 votes
1 answer

Why is this? (searching by filter)

I am searching using a filter composed of several tags, and get empty results: Why?
1 vote
0 answers

Why isn't users rep showing on their posts? [duplicate]

Example image is below. Where the user's reputation is normally, it is completely blank? Why? What is happening? I tried reloading and looking at other questions with the same result. The problem also ...
18 votes
0 answers
647 views is closing down, a URL shortener service from Google, is shutting down, and in one year it will no longer work:

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