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7 votes

Request for help with javascript for the citation search feature

As an example, the first result here contains the JSON { "results": [ { "pagination": "266-278", "links": [ "" ], "title": ...
Kim Morrison's user avatar
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6 votes

New feature - citation helper

I just stumbled over this, and have no idea what it does, and how to use it. So far, all I managed to achieve was that it shows me an animation (three "pulsating" dots), and nothing happend. Also, it ...
Max Horn's user avatar
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5 votes

Citation helper: can we have it automatically convert \(...\)s into \$...\$s?

I think the problem has something to do with the MathJax Configuration at mathoverflow: ...
Isabel Beckenbach's user avatar
4 votes

Request for help with javascript for the citation search feature

Asaf Karagila's user avatar
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3 votes

Citation helper and mobile devices

This appears to be the same "bug" that also affects the Stack Snippet editor on Stack Overflow. Basically, all "external editing tools" are disabled on touch devices, regardless of whether they ...
Ilmari Karonen's user avatar
3 votes

Is the citation helper broken?

Oded installed a new version of Scott Morrison's citation helper that uses an API to Zentralblatt, which solved the problem. This change was already in the works, but I kept dropping the ball. Oded ...
Jon Ericson's user avatar
3 votes

Request for help with javascript for the citation search feature

We will also need to modify the fetchCallback function from This is the current content of that ...
Kim Morrison's user avatar
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3 votes

New feature - citation helper

It seems the citation helper only covers journal papers, but ignores books, even if MathSciNet has them. Intentional?
Max Horn's user avatar
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2 votes

Is something wrong with the citation helper?

I just retried the example I gave, and now it finds the paper. And other searches that failed recently also seem to work now. If somebody did something to fix it, then thank you!
Jeremy Rickard's user avatar
1 vote

New feature - citation helper

The button for the citation helper seems to have changed from the pair of links on a black background to a letter "B" just to the right of the "insert image" button. Presumably not intentional?
Jeremy Rickard's user avatar

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