There had been numerous comments under the question Recent observation of gravitational waves that discuss whether it is appropriate for MathOverflow. That discussion is properly a concern of MO meta, so I am setting up a thread for it here.
The comments at main have now been transferred to and deleted at main, so people can see the main points of the prior discussion but without cluttering up the MO thread. I respectfully request that further discussion avoid terms like "MO police" or "censorship", etc., which tend to create more heat than light.
Part of the discussion revolves around the fact that the OP has a high reputation both in terms of points and in real life, and this makes a difference in how the question should be treated. This might be worth discussing in a separate meta post.
Anyway, on the table is whether the question is appropriate for MO, and if not, should it be migrated to Physics or Astronomy? (Edit: it seems that migration would likely result in a "closure as duplicate" at either of those sites, so the latter question is probably off the table.)