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Federico Poloni's user avatar
Federico Poloni
  • Member for 15 years, 1 month
  • Last seen this week
Mailing lists / Usenet groups for research math
What exactly is a "research mailing list"? Most lists I know contain mostly announces of conferences, books, open positions; would those qualify? Or do you expect members to ask and answer questions with mathematical content, like here on MO?
Clarifying an answer that was deleted by moderators [2023]
@AlecRhea It was Oberlin's answer that bumped this question originally.
Clarifying an answer that was deleted by moderators [2023]
Could you back up with some references your assertion that it is customary to delete downvoted answers on SE? I have enough reputation to see deleted answers only on a few SE sites, but my experience disagrees.
Two accounts for me
@MartinSleziak Great answer, but you should not post it as a comment!
Twitter account in the personal information
@DavidRoberts We can block it from displaying in the user profile page, too; it should be one line of Javascript/Jquery. And actually I think it's a more effective solution than preventing people from editing their profile: otherwise, one could always circumvent the editing block by editing their profile on another SE site and then use the "copy profile" option to import it into their MO profile.
Twitter account in the personal information
@DavidRoberts That is not correct; we have an option to hide the Twitter field for MO only, irrespective of what the SE network chooses to do. The MO / SE agreement allows us to make "reasonable adjustments to the operation of [MathOverflow] by means of extra clientside JavaScript". If I am not mistaken, we are already using this method to hide reputation.
Should MO require users to register to combat AI content?
@AsafKaragila Thanks! Now it looks different, indeed I have to log in first to add an answer; the method I used doesn't work anymore.
Should MO require users to register to combat AI content?
@AsafKaragila Sorry for the wrong link, here is the correct one:… . It's a comment on… . I posted an answer to that question without registration, from an anonymous browser window, and then got a notice that the answer was automatically converted to a comment.
Should MO require users to register to combat AI content?
I was just able to post a comment in main without logging in, from an anonymous browser window, so something still doesn't work as it should. If you write an answer without being registered, it gets converted to a comment. Sorry for "polluting" a thread on the main MO, but the same method does not work here in Meta.
Can/should we tell people that AI cut and paste answers are not welcome?
Note that our Help Center currently states that AI-generated content is allowed on MO, as long as you disclose which AI you used to generate it.
How do I recognize an AI-generated question?
@DavidRoberts Lots of human students do it, too, though, before being taught not to. For instance, I checked the first 10 questions displayed on MSE, and 3 of them include colons before displayed equations.
Edits to capitalization in titles
I generally agree, but fixing misprints can be useful: if that title read "on the hamronic analysis", then it wouldn't show up on searches for "harmonic".
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