There's been past discussion (e.g. here) about whether MathOverflow should allow posts from unregistered users. I am fully on board with the apparent consensus that the answer is yes, because of the potential for a registration requirement to deter valuable contributors.
At the same time, we seem to be currently under some kind of an assault from a user who, over a very short time period, has created dozens of unregistered accounts (mostly with different user names) for purposes that are unclear but might be nefarious (I'll elaborate on this below). This leads me to ask two questions:
Question 1: Would it be feasible to limit the number of unregistered accounts coming from a single IP address (say to one or two or three)?
Question 2: Would it be desirable to limit the number of unregistered accounts coming from a single IP address?
The above two questions stand on their own regardless of the cluster of unregistered accounts that inspired me to ask them. But I'd like to elaborate a little on why I believe that's a cause for concern:
At the time I last posted about this, the user in question had approximately 13 accounts. Since then, they've proliferated like hydra heads. They mostly focus on a single theme (i.e. the purely topological properties of schemes), and the user continues to avoid engagement with responses of all sorts, including those seeking clarification. (See here for example.)
It seems to me that:
So again----although Questions 1 and 2 stand on their own and require no opinions on the current situation, I will add Question 3:
Question 3: Are concerns about the current situation a good reason to adopt the proposal from Questions 1 and 2?