Account not deleted
Mark, there was only one message that we got after your first, which basically repeated "please delete my account" (I could quote it exactly if you want me to capture the tone), which came after we said precisely that we weren't going to do that. To be honest, I don't think any of us saw the point of repeating ourselves. We did of course reply to your first message (otherwise we wouldn't have gotten the second, as I explained a moment ago).
Account not deleted
I should probably also explain what I meant by software related issue. I think it's a feature, not a bug, that in the moderator private message system, if one account fires off several messages in succession, only the first is received. It's easy to guess why that feature would be implemented. But I think this explains why the mods see only two messages from Mark in their inbox.
Account not deleted
Thanks, Emil. It never occurred to me that anyone would misinterpret the instruction at that help page, but that might well explain the 404 that Mark was seeing.
Account not deleted
Ah. This could be software related. All we see is two messages. The first "please delete" we responded to (see below). I can quote back to you the second message we see, but basically you said "please delete my account" again, after we said to you that we're not going to do that, this has to be an action you perform yourself (words to that effect). If a CM comes by, I'm sure he/she could corroborate. Still don't follow the 404 business you allege. But, I think I'm done.
To moderators: is my account deleted?
Mark, I don't know what you're talking about. I didn't say you were suspended only once. Second, your assertion that you stopped using MO two months ago is blatantly false, as can be easily proven (we know you've been self-vandalizing recently). As for the third, the announcement I was referring to was your public declaration of wanting to delete your account. But I think we're really done being publicly insulted by you (sometimes in deleted comments which could easily be undeleted).
Account not deleted
Mark, I am sorry, but I know of only two (private) messages from you, not four. I don't know why you are having trouble doing what you say you are trying to do. Nor do I understand why you've said that you reached a 404 page for the link to instructions on how to delete: I tested it out myself, and it seemed fine. It's here: (maybe other users can verify whether they get a 404). Nor do I understand why you think we are insulting you. All I was saying is that CM can take a while to respond.
To moderators: is my account deleted?
@StefanKohl A suspension, in this case a brief one, is normally a quiet affair, meant to help adjust behavior. A private moderator message is sent out, and there may be a brief exchange. Under normal circumstances the recipient will take the message under consideration, and then will return to activity without fanfare. What's happened is that Mark reacted in a certain way which some might call drastic, and went public about it to boot. I can understand why Mark's announcement upsets people. But it needn't have played out this way.
To moderators: is my account deleted?
@StefanKohl The suspension period is over. I don't really care to get into a long discussion about the specifics here, but is it your position that sufficient "eminence" (or reputation) means that the norms no longer apply? I suspect there is history here that you are not aware of.
To moderators: is my account deleted?
@joro It's not been deleted yet.
To moderators: is my account deleted?
I agree with the substance. There are cases where deletions may be done by hand for users who contribute poorly.
To moderators: is my account deleted?
@TimCampion Yes. What would appear in place of the name is a number, but all the posts/content would still be there (and also when someone pings him with @ Mark Sapir in comments, that name never goes away). By the way: I don't know what's going on either -- I'm going to try to find out. All I know is that MS contacted us about deleting his account, and he was given a link with instructions about how to do that. (We're not going to push that button ourselves -- such a drastic action for such an esteemed user needs to be completely voluntary on his/her part.)
Writing a proper MathOverflow question
That's a healthy start: giving some much needed context. Supplying that often helps when you're trying to pose questions. What does "enriched with cocomplete fibered CAT(0) spaces" mean? (You don't have to define CAT(0) space, but I don't know what the phrase as a totality is referring to.)
Writing a proper MathOverflow question
I must say: I can't make heads or tails of this question. That may be due to my ignorance, but what, for example, is a cocomplete fibered CAT(0) space? I try googling the phrase, and Google asks back: did you mean "complete fiber CAT(0) space"? Of course I have no idea. I do have some idea what "algebraic function field" means (I think I would just say "function field"), but a function field in a Hadamard space? Is "in" the correct word? Sorry, I just find the language confusing and opaque.
Writing a proper MathOverflow question
@CarloBeenakker They've all been deleted.
Missing all activity and questions I asked on this site
Yes, we do in principle, but getting it done tends to be very slow (it has to be done by a Community Manager). You can request an account merge by hitting 'Contact' at the bottom of this page (in gray).
Missing all activity and questions I asked on this site
I'm not seeing a thing, deleted or not. Are you sure they're from this account?
Advice with arXiv: MO Meta or academia SE?
My personal opinion: here would be fine (probably the better fit).
Does the number of answers really drop over years?
I think in the early days, there was a lot of low-hanging fruit for easy picking.
Why are people trying to close this question?
Right now there are two close votes. One of them reads "Needs details or clarity". The other one is a "does not appear to be about research level mathematics" etc. That's all I know. With the bounty in place, there won't be further close votes.