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Philip van Reeuwijk's user avatar
Philip van Reeuwijk
  • Member for 12 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than 3 years ago
  • Amsterdam
2013 Moderator Election Q&A - Questionnaire
Is there any way voting on the answers could be disabled? I feel it could be very influential in a bad way, distorting how people read the answers and/or being mistaken for a poll. Comments might be useful to ask for clarification, but could also be distracting... not sure about them.
Usefulness of longer tags
@quid: I think a well-organized tree structure on tags would actually increase searchability (for humans; ample tag descriptions would hopefully take care of computer searches). Of course, I agree that enforcing consistent use of these multi-level tags could be problematic, let alone the feasibility of a complete tag overhaul... On the other hand, lots of very long, very specific tags without any organization like Yemon warns about aren't a great prospect either.
Usefulness of longer tags
Why not use high level tags with modifiers? For instance, the second two examples could be dg.synthetic and nt.computational
Minor edits, subject to review
I'm not sure if automatic CW-ing after a certain number of edits still exists, but if it does, I suppose these minor edits should not count, right?