Now that MathOverflow has moved to 2.0, there is a potential solution to the long-standing tension between people wanting to make minor improvements to old posts, and others not wanting the 'active questions' list being cluttered by these minor edits.
A "minor edit" feature has been proposed previously on, but was declined, in part because it is very important that all edits are reviewed, and a minor edit feature would enable various types of vandalism or otherwise poor behaviour.
Note that on wikipedia (which has a minor edit feature), all changes appear in the list of recent changes, where everything is more of less thoroughly scrutinized.
With the coming of 2.0, we've gained access to a "reviewed edit" feature, by which users with insufficient reputation to make edits directly can propose edits. These proposed edits are then farmed out to sufficiently high reputation users (you might sometimes see a small brown circle with a number in it next to the word "review" on the top bar). This suggests a solution to the minor edit problem, and hence the following feature request.
Can we have a "minor edit" checkbox in the edit interface, along with the parenthetical text "minor edits do not bump posts on the list of active questions, but are subject to review but another user"?
As the text suggests, these edits would then be diverted to the review mechanism, regardless of the reputation of the editor. (Presumably this feature should also only be available after some reputation threshold.)