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Times a question has been seen by eyeballs, or a profile has been looked over

Ever wonder how Stack Exchange calculates the views on a question? Continue the wonder! There are no concrete details, but you can get the gist of it.

It's cached and not instant

Don't freak out if you ever notice the view count is lower than the activity on the question. That's by design of the cache.

Watching yourself, your profile

Hitting refresh on your own profile will not increase the view count. If you're into that sort of thing.


If you're the kind of user that likes to share and collect them shinies, we have the following view count related badges for you:

  • Announcer - Shared a link to a question that was visited by 25 unique IP addresses.
  • Booster - Shared a link to a question that was visited by 300 unique IP addresses.
  • Publicist - Shared a link to a question that was visited by 1000 unique IP addresses.

copied from Meta Stack Exchange