Is it reasonable to expect that the number of upvotes is greater than the number of favorites?
No, not entirely. An average question indeed has more upvotes than bookmarks (the new name of favorites). See below for some statistics.
Both vote types (bookmarks are stored as votes in the database) ...
5 points for an upvote to an answer?
There is daily reputation limit of 200 reputation points - meaning that it is not possible to get more than 200 reputation points in a single day from upvotes. (It is still possible to get more ...
Inconsistency in MO votes
If you look at your reputation tab, you can see two events for today: upvote +10, and unupvote -10. In general, the reputation tab and the reputation breakdown provide more details than the ...
Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible
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