Right now the site is being flooded with posts from new users, with pseudonymous names, who use a mixture of obvious AI-generated nonsense mathematics and weird sentences (sometimes borderline offensive?) about things that have nothing at all to do with math (which are I would guess actually written by humans and not AI).
Why is this happening right now? Are the moderators aware of the situation? What is being done to address it?
If this continues, the site will become increasingly non-functional.
EDIT: I am sorry to bump this meta question, but the site continues to be flooded with AI-generated nonsense answers. The stuff that is obviously trolling has died down a bit based on my subjective impressions. But there are a ton of AI (non-)answers posted every day, especially to the more "computational" questions. Although I have no direct evidence, I am worried that people might be trying to train AI based on interacting with MO. If that happened at scale, it would really make the site awful. Any more thoughts about what can be done to combat this?