One of the seeming obstacles to having scheduled informal seminars on chat is the extra work, probably mostly for the leader of the discussion (should there be one), in presenting ideas on the chat page. One person comapred this to Latexing seminar notes, pointing out this was not much fun.
My friend Dmitry pointed out that there are what he called "scribblers," a pad with a stylus, where one can just write or draw, then create a pdf or jpeg and post that. This may or may not be pleasant enough to induce established mathematicians to agree to participate in such a thing. Evidently Jon Beardsley has a tablet that can do this, including color, and put a couple of sample items on Homotopy Chat. One of them said "it'd be better if chat had a whiteboard area"
What are other devices/services that might make, say, real time posting to Chat less of a chore?
For that matter, has anyone used such a scribbler, and can give an impression of the usefulness of that device for this purpose?
Hmmm. I bought an inexpensive single-page scanner. I could certainly write out pretty much anything by hand that would fit on one piece of paper, not excluding pasting in photocopied excerpts from books I might have, and post that...the thing makes jpegs, for reasons I do not know those work better on SE. Mine is a Canon CanoScan LiDE 210.
? I don't know what to say; I'm kind of appalled. They should ask about that on English Language & Usage SE, and tag it etymology. You are trying to do a good deed, behave in a constructive, helpful manner for the greater good of the MO community. I wish I could chastise them, and hug you, or give you a gold star or something. You are a good person for trying to help others. $\endgroup$