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Timeline for Why not 'thanks' in comments?

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Dec 2, 2013 at 21:11 vote accept Fernando Muro
Dec 2, 2013 at 21:11 vote accept Fernando Muro
Dec 2, 2013 at 21:11
Aug 12, 2013 at 9:05 comment added user9072 @AsafKaragila: I take your advice. But, they explained me very kindly some chat-features and were generally very friendly.
Aug 12, 2013 at 6:48 comment added Asaf Karagila Mod @quid: Let this be a short lesson (which I refuse to elaborate on), don't encourage skullpatrol. It can do more harm than you think.
Aug 12, 2013 at 4:18 answer added Tim PostStaff timeline score: 1
Aug 12, 2013 at 1:37 comment added user9072 Or, also, thinking about it, Martin Sleziak signaled me something related to the site, which was also useful. In particular, just having something there gives the possibility to notify the person and communicate something for which there is no obvious place where one could notify on site, which could be convenient on occassion.
Aug 12, 2013 at 1:37 answer added Kaveh timeline score: 1
Aug 12, 2013 at 1:34 comment added user9072 @MichaelGreinecker I would say first and foremost essentially nobody writes anything there whatsoever. Yes, recently after four days(!) of complete silence somebody did what you said, but it is not that this happens all the time. And, and, I write there (sometimes)! :-) Even started a game to create some traffic; but then despite skullpatrol's personal invitation you did not want to participate :-( More seriously, once I answered whether a repost or migration or something like this seemed appropriate, which felt sort of useful.
Aug 12, 2013 at 1:19 comment added Michael Greinecker @quid Most people who write in MO chat seem to have no relation to research mathematics whatsoever. Many do not even have an account on MO. People post their questions from MSE there. There are discussions on how sad it is not to have done any mathematics after highschool... In short, the chat room is an emberassment.
Aug 12, 2013 at 0:58 comment added Michael Greinecker I think the obvious solution is to simply ignore this. As long as MO-moderators don't delete such comments, nobody will (network mods don't do such micro-management). This solution works quite well on MSE.
Aug 11, 2013 at 12:39 comment added user9072 @MartinSleziak this seems more directly related. // For those that do not click through, the one title might be a bit misleading. Roughly speaking the answer to the second: yes it can be acceptable, certainly from the OP, but perhaps try to say something in addition to 'thanks'. And the answer to the first question is there is none only one should not use an answer for thanking but a comment. Finally, the comment faqs only says one should not do compliments that do not add anything else. All this seems rather reasonable to me and not that at odds with current MO culture.
Aug 11, 2013 at 12:09 comment added Martin Sleziak @quid: I should have linked to Official reference for “don't leave ‘thank you’ comments” and Is it acceptable to write a thank you in a comment?. Of course, I am aware that different communities have different standards. But I thought it might be useful to have here links to some relevant discussions at meta.SO anyway. One of those discussions also links to faq about comments, the section When shouldn't I comment? seems relevant here.
Aug 11, 2013 at 11:54 comment added user9072 @MartinSleziak while the discussion is somewhat relevant, to me there is a huge difference between what is discussed there mainly and what is discussed here. The difference being that there it is about actual posts (q and a) and in fact mainly questions. And not about comments. Also it is about later removal, which is still something else.
Aug 11, 2013 at 6:57 comment added Martin Sleziak meta.SO: Should 'Hi', 'thanks,' taglines, and salutations be removed from posts?. Probably some other relevant discussions can be found in linked question.
Aug 10, 2013 at 23:28 comment added Asaf Karagila Mod @quid: Exactly.
Aug 10, 2013 at 23:27 comment added user9072 @AsafKaragila: well, actually, this does not sound too good the way you describe it. If some cranks or people just an epsilon away from it could annoy "us" without much to be done against it.
Aug 10, 2013 at 23:03 comment added Asaf Karagila Mod @quid: It's not just the flags. It's the fact that if you want to suspend a particular user from a particular room you can't do it. You can only suspend them globally, or kick them (and they can just join back). Oh, and did I mention that you have to be a moderator in order to do either? Yes, not even the room owner can decide what is going in the room they own. And this sort of trouble, I assure you, the MO chatroom will attract (unless, of course, it won't be used by any real MO user, of course).
Aug 10, 2013 at 22:40 comment added user9072 @AsafKaragila thank you for the clarification. So you cannot have found it that bad. ;-) I already read about some issues with chat-flags. This seems indeed somewhat problematic. But then I do not expect an MO-room to generate that many situations where there could even be much risk it will be flagged and considered as offensive (context or not); and if one does not want to decide on the other flags then one can skip them. But, it is true my first-hand experience is still a bit limited.
Aug 10, 2013 at 22:00 comment added Asaf Karagila Mod [...] which causes both dismissing of actual flags, and admitting ill-posed flags -- which induce an immediate 30 minutes suspension from the chat. All in all, this is a very bad design system for a chat which includes more than one room. Due to this reason I have decided not to use the chat system (with the exception of the MO chatroom for the first day or two after migration). You may think these things are not a huge issue, but they become issues when you're sitting in one of the two ends of the gun. You don't want your flagged posts to be evaluated by outsiders, or vice versa.
Aug 10, 2013 at 21:57 comment added Asaf Karagila Mod @quid: First let me say that I was extremely active on the math.SE chatroom (in fact, I was so active that I got an automatic ownership, and I stayed with that title for quite some time). The chat system has a really lousy moderation abilities, the moderators have a lot of power across the entire network (if you're a diamond moderator in one site, you're a chat-wide moderator), but on the other hand there is no local moderation in chatrooms (owners are practically powerless). Moreover flags are being evaluated by users from all over the network, causing loss of context [cont']
Aug 10, 2013 at 21:54 comment added user9072 @AsafKaragila in what way is it fundamentally flawed? (You see this is one of these cases where I wish people would write more detailed comments.) And, to what end would you want to use it in the first place/in a perfect world (where it would not be "fundamentally flawed")?
Aug 10, 2013 at 21:51 comment added Asaf Karagila Mod @quid: The chat system is fundamentally flawed. I don't see the point in using it.
Aug 10, 2013 at 21:09 comment added Donu Arapura Quid, no I haven't yet. I suppose I should check it out when I have time (and lack thereof is the other more important reason for my decreased participation).
Aug 10, 2013 at 19:13 comment added user9072 @DonuArapura Since the move there would be technically ample of room for more personal interaction (via chat), however, almost noone seems to use it. And, let me add it is really simple to use this chat and it also works in an asynchronous way; it is roughly like a huge comment thread. On math.SE for example this is quite active and personal; now the precise tone of the math.SE chat might not be such that everybody on this site would enjoy it (I guess) but one can start any number of rooms, for example there is already an Algebraic Geometry room, did you already have a look at it?
Aug 10, 2013 at 18:48 answer added user9072 timeline score: 7
Aug 10, 2013 at 17:04 history edited Asaf KaragilaMod
edited tags
Aug 10, 2013 at 17:03 answer added Asaf KaragilaMod timeline score: 11
Aug 10, 2013 at 16:43 comment added Angelo I completely agree with Donu.
Aug 10, 2013 at 15:16 comment added Donu Arapura Yes, I believe that thanking people who've helped you is entirely appropriate. I have to admit that I find the anonymous impersonal culture here at variance with my own. This is part of the reason, I rarely contribute any more.
Aug 10, 2013 at 14:31 comment added Chuck Hague Agreed. I do think +1's are unnecessary - that's what upvoting is for - but I generally thank people when they answer my questions. I think this is related to the fact that MO is more in line with mathematical academic culture than the Stack Exchange network in general, which encourages a more impersonal level of discourse (which is not a priori bad, just different).
Aug 10, 2013 at 13:43 comment added Vidit Nanda Fernando, I completely agree. +1, thanks!
Aug 10, 2013 at 12:51 history asked Fernando Muro CC BY-SA 3.0