I have been a professor of Statistics at Université Paris Dauphine (PSL), Paris, France, since 2000, and at University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom, since 2013, a researcher at CREST, Paris-Saclay University, and a senior member of the Institut Universitaire de France (IUF), focussing on Bayesian statistics, numerical probability applied to simulation methods, and statistical inference with an interest mostly in genetics and astronomy applications, plus, on the nonacademic side, a definitely unhealthy (but so far not fatal) fascination for mountains and (easy) climbing, an almost-sure daily run, and a reading list mainly centred at fantasy books… Plus in taking pictures of about anything appealing to be taken. Hence the categories on a blog I maintain since 2008...
0 credit answers:
- Exponential Reestimation Formula in EM Algorithm
- Cramér-Rao lower bound with an uncertain observable
- How to fit a mixture of a normal and a half normal distribution?
- how to generate specific random covariance matrices?
- Monte Carlo integration and mixture distribution
- How to sample a total variation prior?
- Conditional distributions derivation
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AutobiographerFeb 26, 2022
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