Some guidance needed concerning a suggested edit
If you find a wrong edit, revert it. -- Besides, I think the suggested edits review queue is geared too much towards acceptance of edits.
a spate of deletions by "Community"
@YemonChoi: I think the autodeletion rules make sense -- if a question has score 0 and no answers after an entire year, then it is usually save to assume that it can be removed. Actually you can help cleaning up low-quality questions by going through the lists here or here and downvote everything which you think is not worth to be kept -- then it will be removed in the next autodeletion cycle (once per week or so).
Probability question migrated to stats.stackexchange
@ToddTrimble: My reasons to vote to migrate were as follows: 1. the imperative "Show that ..."; 2. the uncommon use of pluralis auctoris in the second-last sentence; 3. three pending votes to migrate to (so some people regarded this as a suitable question for that site -- I don't know the precise scope of, but my guess was the question might fit, as it is about stochastics); 4. new user. If the question is mathematically fine for MO (which I can't tell, as I am not working in stochastics), it could be migrated back and edited, I think.
Why does mathoverflow constantly compile the latex for my questions and answers?
@JoelDavidHamkins: Me too. -- But I observed that after pasting, I need to make at least one change -- otherwise MO lets me solve a CAPTCHA, which can be annoying since sometimes the characters are also not very legible for a human.
Statistics showing that more reputation for questions leads to better questions
You think that "length of question correlates positively with quality"? -- I doubt. -- Both good and bad questions can have various lengths, and very long questions are often low-quality (a.k.a. "too broad" or "unclear what you're asking") in my experience.
Statistics showing that more reputation for questions leads to better questions
Personally, I believe the impact of points on the quality of questions is probably minimalistic. Also, if there is such effect, how would you quantify it -- maybe by numbers of upvotes (where voting behavior of people may also depend on points), or how else?
Is MathOverflow saturated?
Running out of good mathematical questions? -- Honestly this looks to me like a rather strange idea ... !
Can we migrate users with their questions?
@quid: I think automatic mass creation of accounts, or any not requested creation of accounts unrelated to any very recent action of the particular person indeed must not happen.
How to include diagrams in MO?
Just click on the "edit" link below the particular question or answer, and you will see the source of the text, i.e. what exactly people have typed in.
Is MathOverflow saturated?
@FedericoPoloni: Since 2010 there were at least two changes -- firstly, the number of points per question upvote changed from 10 to 5, and secondly the association bonus was introduced with the move to MO 2.0. -- So what do you want to say with the numbers you give in the last sentence?
Being notified of the comments under the answer of someone else to your post
If you rewrite this post as a concrete feature request instead of a question, then yes.
Being notified of the comments under the answer of someone else to your post
There are no notifications about comments under an answer to one's question. If you would like to change this, or make it possible to switch such notifications on if one wants so, you could make a feature request.