TeX bug: \mod and \pmod gone
Have you checked the main site as well (meta might behave differently)?
How to ask multiple very specific questions about a paper?
Let me add to quid's answer that it is crucial to make your question self-contained. In particular it is not reasonable to expect that in order to understand your question, people read the paper you ask about.
Research-level mathematics
@S.Zoalroshd: The wording can certainly make a difference. -- If a question is written down in a sloppy way, it may be downvoted and closed, while if the same question is formulated well, the community may welcome it. -- I'd say this is in no way a problem, but rather a "feature" of this site.
Anonymity Policy
@FrançoisG.Dorais: Given today's edit to this question and the deletion of a corresponding announcement, are the issues resolved now?
Cross posts to Math SE
As I understand, the OP asked about cross-posts the other way round -- namely, whether cross-posting an MO question on Math.SE is allowed. Anyway, it seems your answer answered the question satisfactorily.
I fixed my question. Can it please be taken off hold now?
Just a 5th vote (I have already voted, so can't cast another vote).
I fixed my question. Can it please be taken off hold now?
No, as long as you have less than 250 points, only other people can tell you. Also, if you would have 250 points, you could vote to reopen your own questions -- hence just cast the 5th vote now.
I fixed my question. Can it please be taken off hold now?
You can see them once you have at least 250 points. (For other people's questions, the threshold is 3000 points).
I fixed my question. Can it please be taken off hold now?
Your question has presently 4 pending votes to reopen.
Why is my question on martingales off-topic and not migrated?
@BCLC: I can't teach you mathematical writing in a few comments here, but it will certainly help you firstly to look how well-received questions are written, and secondly, to ask yourself how a question of somebody else needs to be written such that you would enjoy reading it and be motivated to answer.
Why is my question on martingales off-topic and not migrated?
@BCLC: For example, avoid abbreviations (pls, /w, , myb etc.), text posted as picture, excessively long formulas / chains of (in)equalities and bad line breaks and -indentations.
Why is my question on martingales off-topic and not migrated?
I'm not sure what the standards are on Math.SE, but I'd guess you need to improve the exposition of your question to make people seriously look at it.
Requests for reopen and undelete votes for closed and deleted questions
added 14 characters in body
Anonymity Policy
@FrançoisG.Dorais: According to what you know, has this user misbehaved to an extent where it may be a case for justice, or rather not so?
Is asking question from graduate books allowed
You mean this question?: . I'd say this looks like a mere reproduction of a textbook exercise, which additionally suffers poor grammar and multiple spelling mistakes, including one in the title. I'd say, please don't post such questions on MO. That said, if you have an interesting own question which arises from a textbook exercise, and you put some reasonable efforts into the formulation, then such question is of course welcome.