How do I withdraw a (wrong) accepted answer in favor of a right comment of that answer
In short: the commenter can always post an answer. You cannot delete an accepted answer unless the question owner unaccepts it. Points cannot be transferred (except you set a bounty on the question and award it to the commenter when they post their answer), but people can vote up the new correct answer.
How to ask the same question with additional hypothesis
Of course no valuable answer should be deleted via question deletion. -- Though on the other hand I doubt that it is good practice to unnecessarily clutter the site with questions which are not well-thought and answers which merely point that out.
Why all the negativity?
I think this site is the right place for such enquiries -- but it might help if you provide a link to your removed question, such that people can see what you worry about. In general, editing a question or changing tags is in no way negative feedback. Negative feedback are downvotes, close votes, delete votes, low quality flags and negative comments -- which of these did you get, and how often? -- In any case, I think you should not worry in any way about posting on MO -- I see you have asked 20 well-received questions and given 2 well-received answers so far.
Requests for reopen and undelete votes for closed and deleted questions
@GerryMyerson Meanwhile the question has been autodeleted again since it is still closed and has non-positive score. To resurrect the question, it would take 3 undelete votes, 3 more reopen votes and either 5 upvotes (to reach score 1) or an answer, in order to permanently prevent it from being autodeleted again.
Requests for reopen and undelete votes for closed and deleted questions
The question has meanwhile been autodeleted.
News of potential interest to the MO community
I think a more important question here is what the net value of the funding actually is -- i.e. after deducting reasonable wages for the time people spend on writing applications for these funds (both successful and unsuccessful ones) -- and how that changes over the years.
Apologies re image links update => bumping
It seems that the Community user sometimes performs minor edits without bumping the post -- see e.g. here -- the Community user edited the answer 2 days ago, but the last activity of the thread was 9 months ago. -- Or do I misinterpret what happened there?
Apologies re image links update => bumping
@GeraldEdgar: If everybody can do this, then yes. -- But I doubt this would be the case if it were a privilege earned at some decent number of points (3k?, 5k?, 10k?).
How can I see how many people viewed a specific question?
As far as I can tell, there is no way to see how many people viewed a particular post -- rather only a viewcount is shown. When the same person reloads the page after a certain time (15 minutes?), then this is counted again.
News of potential interest to the MO community
Can one upvote news like this -- or is there a risk that the meaning of an upvote here is misunderstood?
How to deal with answers that should be comments by users with not enough reputation to comment?
If you would like to avoid the standard comment, you could go to the post, flag it as 'not an answer', then possibly add a comment yourself, and finally choose 'delete - no comment needed' in the review queue.
How to deal with answers that should be comments by users with not enough reputation to comment?
If you flag an answer as 'not an answer', no comment is generated. The standard comments come from the 'low quality posts' review queue -- there (if the post is an answer) the possible choices are 'Looks OK', 'Delete -- no comment needed' and 'Delete' with a few different standard comments to choose from. If 6 people choose one of the 'Delete' options before 2 (or sometimes 1) have chosen 'Looks OK', then the answer gets deleted.
How to deal with answers that should be comments by users with not enough reputation to comment?
It's certainly true that the text of the standard comment doesn't fit well -- but choosing "looks ok" in the low quality posts review queue seems also not right if the answer should rather be a comment.
Thread for asking about suitability of math.SE question on MO?
I think firstly such a collective thread would not be automatically known or easily be found by people who wish to make an appropriate enquiry, and secondly, starting a new thread in each case provides better visibility. I'd rather suggest to introduce a corresponding tag, if needed -- tags can also be added afterwards by people who know about them. -- The same remarks apply also to existing collective threads like e.g. "Requests for reopen votes" etc..
Requests for reopen and undelete votes for closed and deleted questions
You think the question should be reopened, but doesn't deserve an upvote? -- I think it seems a bit weird to vote to reopen a question with no upvote, but 4 downvotes ... .