Several times I have seen answers that should be comments posted by new users without enough reputation to comment. Sometimes they know it should be a comment, and say so.
Sometimes these get the form response of "..., when you have enough reputation, ...", which seems to me a bit unhelpful and unfriendly, especially when they clearly know that already.
What's the best way to deal with this? My instinct, if it were a sensible comment, would be to flag it asking one of our wonderful moderators to convert it to a comment and post a friendly message saying what they've done and (if necessary) explaining the difference between a comment and an answer.
But I'm not a moderator, and I'm always reluctant to give somebody else more work, so is this how our moderators would like us to deal with this?
Edit: I should probably have reminded myself better of what flagging an answer as "not an answer" entails before asking the question. In fact, I'm still not 100% sure exactly what happens if I flag an answer that way. I think that the moderators get a notification? And a comment is (in some circumstances?) automatically posted in my name? And if the answerer has too little reputation to comment, that comment says something like "This should be a comment rather than an answer. Once you have enough reputation, you can post comments."? (I don't remember the exact words, as our annoying moderators are too efficient in converting those answers to comments, and so I couldn't find an example.)
At least in the kind of situation that I originally described (a new user posts a comment (let's say a useful one) as an answer, saying that they know it should be a comment), then the wording of the automatic comment seems unfriendly. Maybe a better auto-generated comment would be something along the lines of "I've asked our moderators to convert your answer to a comment. When you have enough reputation ..."
Probably changing the standard auto-comment is a Stack Overflow wide thing that I shouldn't be raising here.
But could/should I edit the comment, or even delete it altogether, if the wording seems inappropriate?