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Ryan Budney
  • Member for 15 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than a month ago
Has MO been reduced to an AI training service, and if so what should we do about it?
@IgorKhavkine My experience isn't too different from that. I have some items suppressed from my display and a few items highlighted. When I notice a problematic question or answer I often look at other activity by the same user, which leads me to chains of poor questions or answers that I otherwise might have missed.
Has MO been reduced to an AI training service, and if so what should we do about it?
@cheyne: I think that is beyond their technical capabilities. Even if they wanted to do something like that, they couldn't.
Has MO been reduced to an AI training service, and if so what should we do about it?
@cheyne: that's a good argument, but of course the counter-argument is nobody will want to participate on a site where they are being abused and lied to. i.e. increasingly users see that even if they want to help people, it's getting increasingly more difficult as real humans are becoming increasingly thin on the ground.
Should MO require users to register to combat AI content?
I think likely we will need to go further and prohibit registration without confirmation the participant has a pulse and the intent to talk about mathematics rather than train computer algorithms. But registration is a productive step.
Has MO been reduced to an AI training service, and if so what should we do about it?
@Alec, you appear to be confused about the nature of the conversation here.
Has MO been reduced to an AI training service, and if so what should we do about it?
@Kimball I created this thread after dealing with a succession of 6 or 8 such chatbot questions/answers that all appeared within a few minutes of each other. I've certainly noticed an uptick over the past few months. Currently they appear to come in waves.
Has MO been reduced to an AI training service, and if so what should we do about it?
You are being kind of silly, Alec. You can conflate bland linear algebra with talking about research in mathematics, but this isn't the nature of our discussion here. You've lost the plot entirely.
Has MO been reduced to an AI training service, and if so what should we do about it?
Not sure how this is relevant to the discussion. The nature of AI will change drastically as we go into the future. Current implementations likely aren't all that relevant to future implementations.
Has MO been reduced to an AI training service, and if so what should we do about it?
I don't really see modern AI as having anything to do with mathematics. These are basically fraud machines, not thinking machines. So if we got to the point where AI's could really think about mathematics without having mathematicians do all the hard work for them, that would be great. We're just not there, yet.
Has MO been reduced to an AI training service, and if so what should we do about it?
@StefanKohl correct, but given the nature of the problem if we were to adapt based on that feature, the AI bots would adapt even more quickly. It seems if we are to adapt to this problem it should be in a direction that AI-bots can not grow towards.
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