For the last several days I've had no luck using the citation helper. Whenever I attempt to search for anything, although a search seems to be ongoing even letting it sit for minutes doesn't produce any results.
(The dots below the search string cycle as though searching. Screenshot courtesy of Martin Sleziak; thanks.)
I inquired if anyone else was having difficulty in the MathOverflow chat room, and so far 100% of the respondents have reported a similar issue. (Granted, so far there has only been one response.)
- According the the Chrome console, I get the following errors,
Failed to load resource: net::ERR_INSECURE_RESPONSE
. - According to the Microsoft Edge console I'm getting the error
SCRIPT7002: XMLHttpRequest: Network Error 0x800c0019, Security certificate required to access this resource is invalid.
This seems to be a security certificate issue.