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Oct 5 at 22:10 comment added David Roberts Mod @StanleyYaoXiao there was a working group a few years back called together by Ravi Vakil, including people whose voices aren't heard here on MO. I don't think I can share anything about it. Feel free to email Ravi about it if this is something you need convincing of.
Oct 5 at 17:47 comment added Stanley Yao Xiao @DavidRoberts I have certainly heard some very negative comments regarding MO from people all over the mathematics community, but I still don't see how to quantify this notion of "unfriendliness". If I can summarize the negative opinions I have heard, it's that MO has rules which are too rigid and "gatekeepers" who think too highly of themselves. I am not sure one can infer that there is a problem with the community at large based on these opinions. If you know something I don't, please share
Oct 5 at 9:30 comment added David Roberts Mod @Stanley you aren't seeing the people who don't ask their question due to MO's reputation. The slightly difficult culture is well-attested; if you aren't phased by it, you are privileged. It's not about people getting annoyed at being told their low-quality question is off-topic, by the way.
Oct 4 at 4:13 comment added Stanley Yao Xiao @LSpice Many people conflate being straightforward and forthright as being rude. I have very rarely encountered people on MO who I would classify as "unfriendly" as in being maliciously nasty for no good reason (though a few users fall under this category, unfortunately). On the other hand, I have seen many users get "offended" that their ego ended up being bruised because they asked a question that either doesn't make sense or is a lot more trivial than thy think.
Oct 3 at 6:00 comment added Martin Sleziak Previous discussions on this topic: Anonymity Policy and On the role of anonymity in a site dedicated to research-level mathematics.
Oct 2 at 19:07 comment added LSpice I think that MO has a reputation for unkindness, and that this might make contributors who would be welcome here reluctant to participate under their real names. (I personally do not see it as unkind, except for occasional spats, but, then, I guess a regular participant is unlikely to be someone who sees the site that way, and also unlikely to be familiar with the current new-user experience.)
Oct 2 at 14:46 history answered Nicholas Kuhn CC BY-SA 4.0