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Martin Sleziak's user avatar
Martin Sleziak's user avatar
Martin Sleziak's user avatar
Martin Sleziak
  • Member for 14 years, 4 months
  • Last seen this week
36 votes

Will ads appear on MO?

33 votes

History of MathOverflow

31 votes

My question was closed on MO because it is not research level. Where should I ask instead?

25 votes

What caused the spike in views and visits on September 23, 2018?

18 votes

Deleted posts visible to high reputation users

16 votes

What should I do when I see a spam post on MO?

15 votes

Restriction on Number of edits

15 votes

How do I delete an accidentally created tag?

15 votes

What's the purpose of the favorite button?

14 votes

Is it possible to know the list of removed users?

14 votes

Can we get rid of the "featured on meta" main meta links?

14 votes

Recognizing identifiable users changing user names

14 votes

Should we blacklist or delete the "research" tag?

14 votes

How to @ a user with non-Latin characters?

14 votes

Viewing reputation and badges is now opt-in and compatible with the new front page

13 votes

Can (and should) Project Euclid links be replaced in bulk?

13 votes

Can I somewhere see my own deleted questions?

12 votes

Is it possible to search for posts/questions of an user $X$ commented on/answered by the user $Y$?

12 votes

Do we have an unofficial quota on how many old questions one should bump for minor edits in a single day?

12 votes

Do we have a privacy problem when people try and leave the mathoverflow community?

12 votes

Make it evident that bounties are non-refundable or refund them on other people's questions

12 votes

The number of MO users

12 votes

All these invalid weblinks

11 votes

Should there be a banner with some basic info about MO in the right sidebar?

11 votes

Can I see my flaggings?

11 votes

Two traffic observations and questions

11 votes

Top-voted questions for the year?

11 votes

the number of on line users at a given moment

11 votes

Mailing lists / Usenet groups for research math

11 votes

5 points for an upvote to an answer?

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