How to make it easier to moderate blatantly off-topic questions?
@Glorfindel that close reason is not to be used for the kind of questions we are talking about. I personally consider using it only if I'm confident that the question would fit math.SE if posted verbatim.
Is this partial differential equation on topic for Mathoverflow?
@geocalc33 Good luck with math.SE, but in any case, what do you want to know about the solutions? I am very far from an expert in PDE, but my understanding is that an analytic expression for the solutions is pretty much never an option. Often people ask questions about existence, regularity, dimension of the space of solutions etc.
Is this partial differential equation on topic for Mathoverflow?
A PDE is not a question, and only questions can be on topic. What do you want to ask about this PDE?
How can we attract more grad students?
Of course I am not representative but I personally loathe threaded chat. I like my conversations to be in one continuous, meandering flow, rather that in an infinitely branching tree. Of course preferences can vary, but I wouldn't be so quick to embrace a "reddit-like" interface.
Nudge: the new Stacks editor has significant implications for this site
@TimCampion For what it's worth reading the bug report you linked it seems that AMScd support has been added to KaTeX (although maybe still only to the development version). While I'd love to have full TikZ, this seems like an acceptable fallback (or, at least, not worsen the current situation).
Customize the modal window for the first-time askers
@MartinSleziak For example I am reluctant to sending people to math.SE because I'm not active there and I'm unfamiliar with what kind of questions are on topic there. Sending someone to another place where their questions are off-topic feels like the summit of unwelcomeness to me.
A radical proposal on votes and reputation
@Joël I'm willing to bet that any kind of change to the mechanics of the site, no matter how hard technically, is easier than rebuilding the community. Of course one might want to jump ship for unrelated reasons (e.g. for disagreements with SE), but that's a whole other kettle of fish.
Can MO go back to +5 rep for questions? Should it?
I think this might vary between people. I got a little boost, but nothing to write home about, and indeed for me answering questions is much, much easier than asking them.
Can MO go back to +5 rep for questions? Should it?
@FedericoPoloni For what is worth (and I do realize this is not an authoritative answer) the possibility of reverting this change are essentially zero (and in my personal opinion I consider it a good thing: the reverse change was essentially a failed policy and there's no reason to keep legacy conventions forever just because people got used to them).
Why was the whole math jokes thread deleted, and should it have been?
@PeterLeFanuLumsdaine Well, they'll probably explain that themselves, but what I gathered from the previous thread they just wanted to vote as a user and they did not realized this prevented people from voting to reopen. That said, to give my opinion on the actual issue, I wouldn't have voted to close the question, but now that 10 people have, I don't see a great loss in closing that question (I was always quite disappointed by how not funny those jokes were. Humor is subjective and all that) and I wouldn't vote to reopen.
Why was the whole math jokes thread deleted, and should it have been?
It's worth mentioning that, as pointed out in the other thread, there were already nine votes to delete by ordinary users when a moderator added their own. That the decision by the moderator had unforeseen consequences (one cannot vote to reopen anymore) is unfortunate, but let's not think that this was a tyrannical decision by the moderators: it was, by and large, community driven.