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Gerhard Paseman's user avatar
Gerhard Paseman's user avatar
Gerhard Paseman
  • Member for 14 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
26 votes

Appropriate or not: "To what extent are the results in Paper X correct?"

17 votes

What happened to the dear user "quid" (9072), they appear deleted?

14 votes

"Stack Overflow Isn’t Very Welcoming." --- are we?

13 votes

Downvoted on many questions asked in less than 60 seconds

13 votes

Using MathOverflow to get new results in your research and publish them afterwards

12 votes

Guidelines for contacting author of paper directly as opposed to asking on mathoverflow

12 votes

What about talking about life? How to work, manage, organize, and so forth?

12 votes

Happy tenth anniversary! How did you celebrate?

12 votes

Type of content to be posted on MO and differences with MathSE

11 votes

Paper request(s)

10 votes

Does MathOverflow help people get past paywalls?

10 votes

Who decides on a community policy?

10 votes

Is my question suitable for MO?

9 votes

Can I ask about entry-level questions (understanding and definitions) of research-level topics?

9 votes

"Newbie-style" questions: is there an "official" viewpoint of MO?

8 votes

Asking for explanation of a paper?

8 votes

How to ask the same question with additional hypothesis

8 votes

Can I see who voted for what after I die?

8 votes

Before MathOverflow

8 votes

Publicizing conjectures on MO

8 votes

Should we exercise a bit more tolerance towards newcomers?

8 votes

What is the best way to ask for comments on your proposed proof of some known theorem on MathOverflow?

7 votes

Why are usernames not unique?

7 votes

Flood of Similar New User(s)

7 votes

Is it OK to abuse Mathjax for emphasis?

7 votes

What do you want to do in September for MO's tenth anniversary?

6 votes

Community Peer-Review in Mathoverflow

6 votes

Using other alphabets/writing sytems for author names

6 votes

Should MathOverflow require registration to ask a question? [2017]

6 votes

Questions which are research level but where the OP is unlikely to have the background to follow the research