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Stefan Kohl
  • Member for 12 years, 1 month
  • Last seen this week
new home single topic MathSciNet
I see only one other question of yours here which is unrelated to MO -- and that was indeed received well:…
new home single topic MathSciNet
Do you think MathOverflow meta is really the right place for this question?
What to do if an answer was subjected to a minor formatting-only edit?
@DmitriPavlov: Not really. -- The guidelines are pretty vague, and leave ample room for interpretation. I think what prevents the review from being a stronger quality control is mainly its bias towards approval -- one click is sufficient to vote to approve an edit, but voting to reject an edit requires specifying a particular reason. Approval is in a certain sense the default ... .
What to do if an answer was subjected to a minor formatting-only edit?
I think the "peer-review" mechanism for suggested edits in its present form is merely a safeguard against visibly malicious edits, and the edit to your post was certainly not "malicious" in this sense.
Wording of migration closure
@MadScientist: Not really never, but only when they click on the link to MathOverflow below the migrated question on Math.SE.
When reviewing suggested edits, cancel rejection and approval votes
I think in order to improve the quality control provided by the suggested edits review queue, it is more important to make the single approval more meaningful than to require more votes to approve an edit. -- Therefore if such change is realistic in any way, I would propose that clicking [Approve] opens a dialog where one needs to tick reasons why the edit improves the post, while rejecting requires only the one click on [Reject]. Also, one person choosing to approve an edit would suffice, and the approver would be listed together with the proposer in the edit history of the post.
Should I flag this question as spam?
@jmc: In such situation, unless the OP him-/herself has removed the link, I'd say: revert the edit, add a comment saying that the question is spam, and flag as such.
When reviewing suggested edits, cancel rejection and approval votes
Whether an edit improves LaTeX typesetting is often not easy to judge, since formulas are not MathJax'ed in the review (at least I see them written there sometimes only in source).
When reviewing suggested edits, cancel rejection and approval votes
Reviewing suggested edits is somewhat biased towards approval, in that rejecting an edit requires to specify a reason, while approving it does not.
On the role of anonymity in a site dedicated to research-level mathematics
Fixed spelling of the title (since nobody else did so far ...).
Can the clutter of obviously off-topic questions be removed faster?
Maybe the easiest way to achieve the goal (as it doesn't require changes in the software) would be that the moderators do a bit more than they do now with respect to removing "clutter" posts. -- Or would this be infeasible / cause too many objections / ... ?
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