user642796's user avatar
user642796's user avatar
user642796's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 1 month
  • Last seen more than 6 years ago
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9 votes

What to do with a question answered in pieces?

4 votes

What is the position on titles using \displaystyle, \dfrac, etc.?

39 votes

Celebrity usernames

6 votes

FAQ on typesetting of formulae hard to find

14 votes

A StackExchange website aimed at graduate students?

18 votes

Proposal for a new rule for down-vote

12 votes

Would disallowing displayed equations ("double dollars") in titles be useful?

4 votes

Stack Overflow Reference in Out of topic flag

7 votes

Autosave of drafted questions or answers

16 votes

What's happens to a user's questions, answers and comments after an account is deleted?

5 votes

Is there bias in the parity of MO reputation (or similar random parameter)?

3 votes

What does percentage mean on a community wiki answer?

10 votes

Decluttering MathOverflow

24 votes

Disappearing "Hi!"

10 votes

Next badge appeared and disappeared

4 votes

Why was "Awfully sophisticated proof for simple facts" closed (two years ago)?

21 votes

Interesting (and not sufficiently answered) questions on math.SE