Could there be a warning when a new tag is created?
I have just received a message from the Stack Overflow Team that the Warning pop-up for new tags has been enabled.
Tag warnings on MO
There are several tags that are deprecated. Adding tag-warnings for them could decrease the probability that they will be added to new questions. (Tag-warnings are more visible than tag-excerpts.)
I ...
Blocking some words in question title to prevent silly questions
This is a XY problem. What you really want to do is prevent questions that are obviously non research level. Martin Sleziak has recently suggested a change that would help, but it has been ignored by ...
Blocking some words in question title to prevent silly questions
TL:DR; I support the proposal to have warning for some words in titles. But I do not think it would be good to blacklist them completely.
It is explicitly pointed out in How to write a good ...
Blocking some words in question title to prevent silly questions
Charcoal, a community group on Stack Exchange, has a bot called Smoke Detector. Currently, it's operating to detect (the commercial kind) across the Stack Exchange network, as well as reporting ...
Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible
Related Tags
warnings × 3feature-request × 2
tags × 2
discussion × 1
status-completed × 1
titles × 1
blacklist × 1