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56 votes

ChatGPT strikes MathOverflow

It's worth having a discussion about AI-generated content. At this point, the conclusions of such a discussion are pretty clear: the current state of the art in AI-generated MathOverflow answers is ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
  • 63.2k
48 votes

Why was there pushback on a user's profile image?

For people who are either unfamiliar with US history (either due to growing up in other countries or who had White Supremacist textbooks in school), here are the first two paragraphs of the state of ...
Noah Snyder's user avatar
33 votes

Flood of Similar New User(s)

With regard to Gerhard's response -- which I agree with -- I see a number of things problematic in some of the behavior taking place in the present circumstances. I have no doubt that behind these ...
Todd Trimble's user avatar
  • 52.9k
24 votes

ChatGPT strikes MathOverflow

At first I did not agree with the title "ChatGPT strikes MathOverflow", because we need to verify (somehow) that the answers were indeed created by ChatGPT. I have tested ChatGPT with ...
Martin Brandenburg's user avatar
22 votes

User destroyed without explanations or obvious reasons

When an account is destroyed (e.g., by a moderator), the posts are labeled as "deleted by the Community user". The label is not a claim that some computer program made the decision to ...
S. Carnahan's user avatar
  • 45.5k
19 votes

We have our first user with more than 200K reputation!

My favorite JDH paragraph, from Have you solved problems in your sleep?, is worth quoting in full. At times, naturally, it is an interesting (or obsessive) MathOverflow question that I set myself to ...
19 votes

What happened to the dear user "quid" (9072), they appear deleted?

quid has outlined his reasons for leaving in this answer (See Footnote 1), in relation to his nomination for a mod position on math.SE.
Alon Amit's user avatar
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17 votes

What happened to the dear user "quid" (9072), they appear deleted?

A recent discussion in comments under Alon Amit's answer prompts me to offer some reflections on quid's publicly stated feelings and judgments about MO and the differences between MO and Math.SE. I ...
Todd Trimble's user avatar
  • 52.9k
16 votes

10 year 'temporary suspension'?

Naturally, we do not discuss details of individual users. This is indeed an unusual suspension. Also note that this is a network-wide suspension, so this is not necessarily related to this user's ...
François G. Dorais's user avatar
16 votes

We have our first user with more than 200K reputation!

A lot of Joel David Hamkins best questions are things which are really elementary in statement, but quickly lead to thorny logical issues. Examples here are this question about a game involving ...
14 votes

We have our first user with more than 200K reputation!

My favorite answer by Joel was to the fourth question I ever asked on MathOverflow, six years ago. I was just recently wishing there was an 'MO appreciation thread' on meta where users could express ...
14 votes

Why was there pushback on a user's profile image?

Answering this for closure: By the comment of Stanley Yao Xiao, the OP in question had a confederate flag as their avatar. A moderator (presumably) changed it, with the understanding that a ban would ...
Samantha Y's user avatar
14 votes

One person creating multiple Riemann Hypothesis-related accounts

What they're doing here on MathOverflow is relatively harmless. They're also active on other sites in the Stack Exchange network, where they are posting downright abusive stuff; here are some examples....
Glorfindel's user avatar
  • 2,741
14 votes

Strange username

The user has changed to another username Math is like Friday. (Just answering to make the possibility of considering the issue as solved.)
YCor's user avatar
  • 62.6k
10 votes

Flood of Similar New User(s)

I believe that I can give a partial answer to your question. Looking at some of the profiles that you have listed, they seem to be all unregistered users. I used to do something similar (but with only ...
Alex M.'s user avatar
  • 5,377
10 votes

Flood of Similar New User(s)

Do(es)n’t said user(s) simply exploit the loophole once detected by @MattF. (newly created accounts can spend the association bonus on bounties), and wouldn’t that part be solved by following his then-...
Francois Ziegler's user avatar
9 votes

We have our first user with more than 200K reputation!

His answer, explaining different ways to think about the continuum hypothesis is a really good one.
9 votes

We have our first user with more than 200K reputation!

As an amateur mathematician with an interest in set theory and computability, I have to say JDH has probably advanced my mathematical knowledge in those areas more than anyone else (there are some ...
9 votes

Repeated TeXifying of question titles

The user has been contacted by a moderator. Please advise if the behavior persists.
Todd Trimble's user avatar
  • 52.9k
9 votes

Who wrote the year of death in the profile page of the late William Thurston?

Please see this discussion, from the old forum 'tea' before it was superceded by MO meta: The discussion indicates that it was Anton ...
Todd Trimble's user avatar
  • 52.9k
7 votes

Flood of Similar New User(s)

I think it is reasonable to be concerned, if only for the fact that we do not know what the ramifications of this behaviour are. However, I think it is better to describe the behaviour and call out ...
Gerhard Paseman's user avatar
7 votes

Is there any process to appeal suspensions?

Here again is the relevant meta SE question on appealing suspensions. Here is some general advice for users who have been suspended. It's natural, when being disciplined, to feel defensive, or to feel ...
Tim Campion's user avatar
  • 63.2k
7 votes

We have our first user with more than 200K reputation!

As for favorites (or "favourites", if you like), I will go with this one for narrow selfish reasons. It is his answer to a question of mine that I intended less than fully literally, but he ...
6 votes

We have our first user with more than 200K reputation!

Congratulations to professor Hamkins for this achievement! I hope I am not off the rails here, since his answers are mostly above my level of understanding. But I wanted to mention his great book ...
6 votes

What happened to the dear user "quid" (9072), they appear deleted?

There is some concern that quid's contributions have disappeared. I can verify that they are still here. For example, this question was answered by quid, and the comments are still preserved. It ...
arsmath's user avatar
  • 6,850
4 votes

Why was there pushback on a user's profile image?

I just don't understand why the moderators would remove the avatar but leave a trail of comments around that allows others to infer what happened, or worse. I think the omission ultimately caused ...
Yaakov Baruch's user avatar
4 votes

Negative reputation?

When looking at users tab you can choose what to display - reputation, editors, voters, new users, moderators. And you can also use period on which you want to concentrate. (I am not really sure which ...
Martin Sleziak's user avatar
3 votes

Repeated TeXifying of question titles

Maybe it could be useful to spell out explicitly why the edits in question were problematic. (Both for the benefit of the user referenced in the question and also for other users who want to help ...
Martin Sleziak's user avatar
2 votes

Is there any process to appeal suspensions?

As far as I understand, there is no rule against opening a meta post to discuss your own ban and defending yourself; especially if you wish to draw the attention of the community to a ban that you ...
Federico Poloni's user avatar

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