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51 votes

How can we attract more grad students?

I'll go against my best judgement and will reply to this with my own perception. First of all, the best thing would be to ask graduate students directly. I don't know if there are any active efforts ...
AT0's user avatar
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29 votes

What do you want to do in Rio?

If you have an excuse to mention MO in your abstract, please consider doing so. MO is mentioned in the paper I submitted for the proceedings and it will appear in one slide of my talk at the ICM.
Bill Johnson's user avatar
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18 votes

How can we attract more grad students?

I don't believe MO can do anything to make most grad students comfortable posting here. It wouldn't be compatible with the culture of the site or how its users see it (and some of the comments on this ...
jdc's user avatar
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16 votes

MO in the Notices of the AMS

The Opinion column "Mathematical Community" in the March 2011 issue, by John Swallow, asks, "Are mathematicians at the forefront of collaboration, with the advent of the Polymath Projects and Math ...
Gerry Myerson's user avatar
15 votes

Best of MathOverflow, or papers inspired by MathOverflow

A nice question by Michael Hardy, How many rearrangements must fail to alter the value of a sum before you conclude that none do?, led to a recent 6-author collaboration, 5 or 6 of whom are MO patrons ...
12 votes

Examples of mathematical exposition arising from MO answers

This paper resulted from a question on mathoverflow. This monograph on properties of 3-manifold groups has now appeared in print.
Ian Agol's user avatar
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12 votes

How can we attract more grad students?

I'm writing this answer as a (pseudo)-grad student who is comfortable using the site, having no real publications or positions under my belt. Disclaimer: Generally I try to avoid using the pronoun 'I' ...
Alec Rhea's user avatar
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11 votes

Best of MathOverflow, or papers inspired by MathOverflow

In 2013 John Pardon solved the Hilbert-Smith conjecture for group actions on 3-manifolds. Lemma 2.17 of the paper was based on the answer to this mathoverflow question. I was quite surprised to ...
11 votes

Best of MathOverflow, or papers inspired by MathOverflow

Mohammad Ghomi answered the question Shortest closed curve to inspect a sphere, in a paper, Shortest closed curve to inspect a sphere, posted to the arXiv (, whose PDF ...
10 votes

Best of MathOverflow, or papers inspired by MathOverflow

Hannah Cairns's proof of Perron's theorem (discussed in this MathOverflow question) has been published in The American Mathematical Monthly as Perron’s Theorem in an Hour.
10 votes

Best of MathOverflow, or papers inspired by MathOverflow

An unpublished open problem posed by Adam Chalcraft, Does every polyomino tile $\mathbb R^n$ for some $n$?, received considerable attention when I posted it here on MO. (Of all the questions that I ...
10 votes

Best of MathOverflow, or papers inspired by MathOverflow

Not sure if my recent paper "Equivalence: an attempt at a history of the idea" qualifies as one of the "best of Mathoverflow or papers inspired by Mathoverflow". But I am sure Mathoverflow was a force ...
9 votes

Examples of mathematical exposition arising from MO answers

My preprint arXiv:1609.01160 was written in response to Question 248665.
Chandan Singh Dalawat's user avatar
9 votes

Examples of mathematical exposition arising from MO answers

The note "Did a 1-dimensional magnet detect a 248-dimensional Lie algebra?" by David Borthwick and Skip Garibaldi mentioned in this MO answer by Garibaldi was published here in the Notices of the AMS.
j.c.'s user avatar
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9 votes

Best of MathOverflow, or papers inspired by MathOverflow

Julien Marché's question "Homology generated by lifts of simple curves" was the first appearance in print of a folklore question (I first was asked it back when I was a postdoc). As I discuss in my ...
9 votes

How can we attract more grad students?

This is a very difficult question. However, I think that we could attract more graduate students (actually, more people in general) following three lines of action. Many of these things have been ...
Francesco Polizzi's user avatar
8 votes

Best of MathOverflow, or papers inspired by MathOverflow

In the MO question Normalizers in symmetric groups I had asked the following: Let $G$ be a finite group. Is it true that there is a subgroup $U$ inside some symmetric group $S_n$, such that $N(U)/U$ ...
8 votes

Best of MathOverflow, or papers inspired by MathOverflow

Zhi-Wei Sun posted a highly upvoted MO question in 2018, Can we write each positive rational number as ${1\over p_1−1}+\cdots+{1\over p_k−1}$ with $p_1,\ldots,p_k$ distinct primes? The question ...
8 votes

Best of MathOverflow, or papers inspired by MathOverflow

My Forum of Mathematics Sigma paper (published 2021) answered a 20-year old question of Jeff Shallit. The proof makes crucial use of ideas in a 2016 MO answer by Anthony Quas.
7 votes

Best of MathOverflow, or papers inspired by MathOverflow

Quoting Oscar Cunningham's answer to an MO question asking for decision problems that are not known to be decidable: In Conway's Game of Life, the problem of deciding whether a given pattern with ...
7 votes

Best of MathOverflow, or papers inspired by MathOverflow

This doesn't quite fit the mold of the other postings, but Matt Parker (Numberphile and StandUpMaths) made a YouTube video that mentions MathOverflow several times, and particularly highlights the ...
7 votes

Best of MathOverflow, or papers inspired by MathOverflow

The paper "Majority colourings of digraphs" by Paul Seymour, Stephan Kreutzer, Sang-il Oum, David R. Wood and myself has its origin in my question "Majority coloring for directed graphs".
7 votes

Best of MathOverflow, or papers inspired by MathOverflow

This paper of mine (Arithmetic Restrictions on Geometric Monodromy) was inspired in large part by this question asked by Lisa S., though the original motivation is not so obvious in the final product.
7 votes

Best of MathOverflow, or papers inspired by MathOverflow

This paper addresses and partially solves a question posed by Matthew Kahle, whose MO question they explicitly cite: chromatic number of the hyperbolic plane. DeCorte, Evan, and Konstantin Golubev....
6 votes

Best of MathOverflow, or papers inspired by MathOverflow

This MO question "Property $\Gamma$ in terms of correspondences" led us to answer two old open problems and to push further a third more recent result: Jon Bannon, Amine Marrakchi, Narutaka Ozawa. ...
6 votes

Best of MathOverflow, or papers inspired by MathOverflow

Ilya Bogdanov has answered my question Graphs with only disjoint perfect matchings on certain coloring in graphs, that emerged through research in quantum physics. This answer has inspired quite a ...
6 votes

Best of MathOverflow, or papers inspired by MathOverflow

I just learned that a question of mine on minimal vertex covers in hypergraphs where edges intersect in at most $1$ point led to a paper by Lajos Soukup and Tamas Csernak; it will appear in Discrete ...
6 votes

Best of MathOverflow, or papers inspired by MathOverflow

Garabed Gulbenkian's 2010 question about ordinal definable real numbers, which Joel David Hamkins called "a fascinating, outstanding question," attracted considerable attention, culminating ...
6 votes

MO Twitter presence?

I am posting this mainly to summarize some points mentioned already in the comments - in an answer they can be a bit expanded and presented in somewhat better form. (The comment section grew quite ...
Martin Sleziak's user avatar
5 votes

Have any MO-hard problems ascended to "real" open problems in their fields?

Here is a try: I asked a question (Discrete Gaussian free field for a closed manifold) about one year ago. About six months ago I noticed an arxiv paper addressing part of the problem I asked: https:...
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