6 votes

How to recommend that a question is better suited for another SE site that isn't listed in the close reasons?

From the answer to the FAQ post "What is migration and how does it work?" (on Meta Stack Exchange, here is a link to the current revision): If the site isn't in the list of available ...
Martin Sleziak's user avatar
5 votes

Undelete a post

While we can easily undelete the question, actually migrating it would be impossible. We can only migrate questions which are younger than 60 days. Given that the post had been automatically deleted ...
Asaf Karagila's user avatar
  • 38.2k
4 votes

How often are questions "successfully" migrated to MSE?

From the moderator tools I can reveal that in the past 90 days there had been 61 migration attempts from MathOverflow to MSE and only 14% were sent back, which should be about 9 (I'm not sure about ...
Asaf Karagila's user avatar
  • 38.2k
4 votes

How often are questions "successfully" migrated to MSE?

As mentioned in the migration tag-info, users with sufficient reputation have access to some statistics about recent migrations (in the last 90 days). In the same place you can find a list of ...
Martin Sleziak's user avatar

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