16 votes

Why was "The origin(s) of the word “elliptic” migrated to hsm?

I wrote the top-voted answer to this question on MO (it currently has something like 40 up votes) and was a bit surprised to see it migrated to HSM. I don't care about votes or what-not, but in terms ...
Joe Silverman's user avatar
11 votes

Why was "The origin(s) of the word “elliptic” migrated to hsm?

History of Science and Mathematics moderator here. We've talked it over and have just sent the question back to Math Overflow (I closed it as off-topic on HSM, so that should bounce it back to MO ...
HDE 226868's user avatar
11 votes

Why was "The origin(s) of the word “elliptic” migrated to hsm?

This question was asked on MO on May 8 and moved to HSM on May 13. It currently (May 25) has 5 answers, all posted on MO (between May 8 and May 10), and all upvoted (currently from +6 to +44; I can't ...
YCor's user avatar
  • 60.2k
9 votes

When voting to close, only 3 alternative SE listed as options

Here's the generic answer. Additional paths can only be added by SE employees, and they'll only do it when there's already enough questions being migrated and the other site is accepting a high ...
Noah Snyder's user avatar
  • 27.8k
8 votes

Rationale for migration to MSE of a well-received question on MO

The phrasing of the reason is unfortunate, IMO. It makes sense to migrate if a question is better suited to MSE; it doesn't necessarily make sense to migrate just because the question can be answered ...
Timothy Chow's user avatar
  • 78.3k
7 votes

Moving back my question to MO

The question on MathOverflow has been restored. The corresponding question on Meta.MathOverflow has been deleted.
S. Carnahan's user avatar
  • 45.1k
7 votes

Migration from mathoverflow to other stackexchange sites

You can read all about migration and how it works here: What is migration and how does it work? As explained at that post, migrations should be done with circumspection; for a variety of reasons it'...
Todd Trimble's user avatar
  • 52.4k
6 votes

Migration of a detailed answer on MathOverflow Meta to Math.SE

You can't migrate an answer without migrating the entire thread, which is entirely inappropriate at this point. You can encourage Joel to take his question to Math.SE, and if there is no suitable ...
Asaf Karagila's user avatar
  • 38.2k
6 votes

How to recommend that a question is better suited for another SE site that isn't listed in the close reasons?

From the answer to the FAQ post "What is migration and how does it work?" (on Meta Stack Exchange, here is a link to the current revision): If the site isn't in the list of available ...
Martin Sleziak's user avatar
6 votes

Why was "The origin(s) of the word “elliptic” migrated to hsm?

My understanding is that the post was originally flagged with a migration request and one of our moderators processed the flag to meet that request. No, the OP did not ask for that migration; it was ...
Todd Trimble's user avatar
  • 52.4k
5 votes

Edit history lost on migration

When a thread is migrated from one site to another, only the latest revision of each post in the thread is moved over. To find the original revisions of a post on a migrated thread, you can do the ...
The Amplitwist's user avatar
5 votes

Migrating a question removes some comments?

From the FAQ post on migration: What is migration and how does it work? (in the section "Anything else I should know about migration?"): Comments on the question that link to the homepage of the ...
Martin Sleziak's user avatar
5 votes

Undelete a post

While we can easily undelete the question, actually migrating it would be impossible. We can only migrate questions which are younger than 60 days. Given that the post had been automatically deleted ...
Asaf Karagila's user avatar
  • 38.2k
4 votes

How often are questions "successfully" migrated to MSE?

From the moderator tools I can reveal that in the past 90 days there had been 61 migration attempts from MathOverflow to MSE and only 14% were sent back, which should be about 9 (I'm not sure about ...
Asaf Karagila's user avatar
  • 38.2k
4 votes

How often are questions "successfully" migrated to MSE?

As mentioned in the migration tag-info, users with sufficient reputation have access to some statistics about recent migrations (in the last 90 days). In the same place you can find a list of ...
Martin Sleziak's user avatar
4 votes

Stack Overflow Reference in Out of topic flag

Each Stack Exchange site has a limited number of "default" migration paths (those sites that show up when you vote/flag to close as Off Topic > Belongs on another site). These paths should be reserved ...
user642796's user avatar
3 votes

Migrated question returned to MO - how to handle?

This is more of a general comment - rather than related to the specific question linked in the post. But since several comments revealed that some perceived problems were actually caused by lack of ...
Martin Sleziak's user avatar
3 votes

Well-received but unanswered Math SE question; should I consider posting it here or requesting migration?

Gathering comments together into an answer -- There's no problem cross-posting a research-level question from MSE to MO after enough time has passed to give potential answerers a chance to post ...
3 votes

Migration to Physics.SE

According to FAQ on migration a migration done in this way (if users flag it as off topic/belongs on another site) is rejected if none of the tags on the exists on the target site. Quote from What is ...
Martin Sleziak's user avatar
1 vote

Possible bug in migration

Based on the comments, it appears that this problem has been resolved.
S. Carnahan's user avatar
  • 45.1k

Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible