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16 votes

What should I do when I see a spam post on MO?

Any user with at least 15 reputation points should flag the post as spam. After 6 spam flags, the post is deleted. In addition to being deleted, even for users who can see the deleted posts, the ...
11 votes

How does one type mathematical formulas on this site?

This site uses MathJax - which is a library which for displaying mathematics in web browsers. The syntax is basically LaTeX, so if you are already familiar with TeX or LaTeX you should be fine. (It is ...
8 votes

Help cleanup tags!

As of August 8, 2017, the length limit for tags went from 25 characters to 35 characters. So now is a great time to allow inconveniently compressed tag names to stretch out a bit... Perhaps we could ...
7 votes

Help cleanup tags!

I suggest deleting the tag decomposition-theorem. I would guess that the tag was intended to be about the decomposition theorem of Beilinson-Bernstein-Deligne-Gabber. It seems unnecessary to have a ...
6 votes

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A tag called field-with-one-element with one element was created recently. At the same time, there already exists a tag called f-1. (Currently with 66 questions.) Since both of them refer to field ...
5 votes

Help cleanup tags!

We have tags for both software and for mathematical-software. Some questions are tagged with both. I propose these be merged. Please comment if you disagree!
5 votes

How does one type mathematical formulas on this site?

You can find a very basic introduction to MathJax (LaTeX) syntax in the other answer. Here are links to some further resources that might be useful. (Some of them are not specifically about MathJax, ...
4 votes

Help cleanup tags!

The tags noncommutative-algebra and noncommutative-rings should be merged; the first being more used, and also in analogy with the tag ac.commutative-algebra, I'd suggest to embed noncommutative-rings ...
4 votes

Help cleanup tags!

About tag hyperkaehler (13 questions at this date). a) tautological part: should be changed to hyperkahler, in coherence with the use of tags related to Kähler: kahler-manifolds, kahler-differentials....
4 votes

Help cleanup tags!

Suggesting to make characteristic-p a synonym of positive-characteristic. Both exist with with 232 questions and 82 questions (and only 7 tagged both). The first one has a tag excerpt. In practice, I ...
4 votes

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The tag crystals seems to be used for three completely different meanings: 1) Quantum groups/representation theory/combinatorial crystals 2) Crystals in algebraic geometry/category theory 3) Crystals ...
4 votes

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I suggest to make infinite-sequences (62 questions as of now) a synonym of sequences-and-series (1458 questions). I see no usefulness to distinguish them, and the drawback of not gathering basically ...
3 votes

Help cleanup tags!

I suggest invariant-theory and classical-invariant-theory be made synonyms. Don't see the point in making a distinction here.
3 votes

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The tag ft.factorization-theory was created in 2016 by a user who did almost the totality of the 23 questions with it. It is formatted as a top-level tag, while it isn't. Could it be changed to ...
2 votes

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continuity seems to have no coherent use. It has 3 watchers for 88 questions, which is a very low ratio (compared to tags with a comparable number of questions). It's mostly to mean some use of ...
2 votes

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I propose to systematically rename each tag xxx reduced to the name of a software, adding "-software" to make the tag (thus xxx-software) more understandable, and, furthermore, to allow to gather such ...
2 votes

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I propose to make qcqp (10 questions) a synonym of quadratic-programming (34 questions). quadratic-programming has no usage guidance. qcqp has: A quadratically constrained quadratic program (QCQP) ...
2 votes

Help cleanup tags!

Done. The tags locally-presentable-categories and presentable-categories should surely be synonyms. I would personally prefer that the former (much older, well-established, and less ambiguous, ...
1 vote

Help cleanup tags!

There is a tag perrons-formula, created in 2023, and referring (in principle) to Perron's formula. The syntax is a bit clumsy, it is unusual to have such merging (Perron + 's = Perrons) in a tag. I'd ...
1 vote

Help cleanup tags!

I think it might make sense to make polytopes a synonym for convex-polytopes. Although non-convex polytopes are sometimes studied, convex ones are much more prevalent. Also there are only 36 questions ...

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