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14 votes

Is there a software solution if we do cut the cord from SE?

Converted from a comment: Codidact was born of a previous mass exodus from SE and has some experience with migrating data from SE to their software platform, QPixel.
Federico Poloni's user avatar
9 votes

Is there a way to download all your contributions?

Ok, actually, this was very easy. Thanks to Martin for the links. I have created my first data explorer query and it does what I wanted. Now I have a CSV file with everything I've ever written on ...
David White - gone from MO's user avatar
5 votes

Is there a software solution if we do cut the cord from SE?

Converted from a comment: PhysicsOverflow has a setup that's reasonably close to MO. It runs on the Question2Answer software. It was in part set up a kind of exodus from physics.stackexchange
Federico Poloni's user avatar
5 votes

Is there a software solution if we do cut the cord from SE?

Converted from a comment: I would expect the database to be in a form similar to the existing periodic data dumps at (not that I have any idea what those ...
Federico Poloni's user avatar
4 votes

Is there a way to download all your contributions?

There is already a fine answer - this is just a minor addition. Some people might prefer Markdown for the posts rather than HTML. The other query uses Body from the ...
Martin Sleziak's user avatar
4 votes

Printer-friendly versions?

As mentioned in the comments StackPrinter is often useful for such purposes. This tool is very frequently mentioned in several other posts on this topic, sometimes various other tools are mentioned ...
Martin Sleziak's user avatar

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