**Edit** Please note this is not me posting with my moderator hat on (I've signed [the letter](https://openletter.mousetail.nl/)), and I didn't discuss this with the mod team before posting this. It's **not** within shouting distance of being official. Someone mentioned the old discussion in regards to the current events, and while there are **no plans or hints of plans of moving** (as noted below), trying to sort things out at the last minute under pressure is not the best time.


Given [past](https://meta.mathoverflow.net/q/4368/4177) and [current](https://meta.mathoverflow.net/q/5667/4177) turmoils, the fact that [MO is not owned by Stack Exchange Inc](https://meta.mathoverflow.net/a/970/4177) and the ever-present option of moving to a new home is present in the minds of some people. However, as I mentioned to the other mods in a recent discussion, we are at risk of being in the [position of the fictional 1980s UK Prime Minister Jim Hacker][1], with the power of the nuclear deterrent, but no clear idea of when, if ever, it could ever be actually used in response to an aggressor. Especially when said aggressor may just use "[salami tactics][2]", making things slowly difficult one small step at a time, none of which necessarily deserve responding with the nuclear option.

MO has the option of just leaving SE Inc, taking its data, and setting up elsewhere. But it is our "nuclear option". Certainly it would not be a good look if MO left SE in the middle of a network-wide dispute of this or that nature (I'm **not** saying it's what is under discussion, at present), but it would be a big deal to get everything going again elsewhere.

I really don't know even an approximation of the answer, but what do people think would be a line in the sand that means MO (the board, the organisation, the community) gives up on SE and goes elsewhere?

  [1]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o861Ka9TtT4
  [2]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Salami_slicing_tactics