The purpose of this question is to link to various old (say $\succeq 1$ year old) closed posts, mostly by no longer active users, most of which are reasonable candidates for deletion, and a few for reopening, while it (in most cases) makes little sense to keep them closed and undeleted. If you have enough reputation, you should be able to cast a deletion or reopening vote ($\ge 20000$ for deletion [needs 3 votes], $\ge 3000$ for reopening [needs 5 votes]). The deleting option is present under some conditions: for closed questions I think it's automatic if the score is $\le -3$, and in other cases depends on parameters (OP's rep? age of the question?) in some way I don't know. (I'd avoid here very active questions for which closure may have been disputed.) I'll use answers to make such partial lists (usually of posts in a given subject, e.g., detected by some given tag). (Of course one can post "real" answers!) At some point I'll make updates indicating deleted/reopened questions, if applicable.