To make a link in a comment user the `[text](url)` syntax. (And, of course, you can use simply bare URL - but I assume you want something nicer.) The same syntax is *possible* in posts. (Although in posts there are other possibilities how to use links. Moreover, when composing or editing a post, you can insert a link using the built-in editor.)

For example, the following syntax works both in a post and in comments:

`Link to a question on meta: [Hyperlink in a comment?]( This looks probably slightly better than a bare URL:`

> Link to a question on meta: [Hyperlink in a comment?]( This looks probably slightly better than a bare URL:

In the [first comment under this post]( you can see how this looks in a comment.


See also:
 * [How do I format my posts using Markdown or HTML?]( in the help center - specifically the section "Comment formatting"
 * [Inline links in comments]( (Meta Stack Exchange)
 * [How do you cite a reference in a comment?]( and other [posts linked there]( (Mathematics Meta)
 * [How do comments work?]( (Meta Stack Exchange) - the section "How can I format and link in comments?"