On MO 1.0 we had, after some discussions and conflicts but still, what I think was a quite smoothly and efficiently working process of deleting "bad" content. It seems with the move to MO 2.0 this process of manual deletions came more-or-less to a halt. Two main reasons for this could be: * There is now an auto-deletion script so there is less need to do so<sup>(1)</sup>. * The deletion interface changed and makes it easy to overlook existing votes. Are there any other reasons? Should we try to re-start manual deletions or is the situation fine anyway? For those that might not know as 10k+ user one can vote to delete closed questions (with 20k+ one can delete certain answers). Lists of recent existing votes are available under "tools"; for example [a list of pending votes over the last 30 days](http://mathoverflow.net/tools?tab=Delete&daterange=last30days) [10k+ only]. The list can be considerably expanded clicking the triangle; yet if the list is too long it can get cut-off, choosing a different period of time (14d, 2d, yesterday) sometimes yields different lists. --- (1) The precise details of auto-deletion are somewhat involved (see "by the system" in this FAQ http://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/5221/how-does-deleting-work-what-can-cause-a-post-to-be-deleted-and-what-does-that). The gist is though that closed and "unanswered" questions with negative (or non-positive score) get deleted in a timely manner of about a week (or a month). What does not get auto-deleted are closed questions with an answer that has positive score or is accepted. Answers with a high score typically were not deleted. What's left would be badly received questions with accepted and/or low-score answers.