The questions which are in different color are those ones, which have one of your [watched tags]( (This feature used to be called *favorited tags*, but it [was later renamed](

From [What do “watched tags” and “ignored tags” do?](

> * Questions with these tags become highlighted on the front page.
* Questions with new activity are shown on [](//
* In the review queues, questions from these tags are shown to you before other questions.

The actual color is different for various sites - it depends on the design and color scheme of the actual site. (For example, they are highlighted with different color on [Mathematics]( than on [MathOverflow]( The highlighting can differ even between main site and meta - for example, if you have some watched tags [here on MathOverflow Meta]( you can see that they get grey-ish background color.)

On MO, it looks something like this:

[![screenshot from the main site][1]][1]

And this is from Meta MathOverflow:

[![screenshot from the meta site][2]][2]

After inspecting the site, I found `tagged-interesting{background-color:var(--yellow-050)}` both on the main site and on meta. You can see various colors used on Stack Exchange sites in the [Stacks Project - Colors]( (It seems that people perceive colors differently. And it might also depend a bit on the setup of your monitor. The background color was described as *pink* in this question and as *yellow* in [another question here on meta](

If you're not sure where to find (or change) your watched tags, you can consult the [FAQ post mentioned above]( I will add a link to my post on Mathematics Meta, which contains also some screenshots: [How do I follow tags?](
