There is a new posting on the Stackoverflow blog, entitled <A HREF="">Stack Overflow Isn’t Very Welcoming. It’s Time for That to Change</A>. A quote:

> Too often, someone comes here to ask a question, only to be told that
> they did it wrong. They get snarky or condescending comments for not
> explaining what they’ve tried (that didn’t work). They get an answer…
> but the answerer gets scolded for “encouraging ‘low-quality’
> questions.” They get downvoted, but don’t know why, or called lazy for
> not speaking English fluently. Or sometimes, everything actually goes
> well, and they get an answer! So they thank the poster… only to be
> told that on Stack Overflow, “please” and “thank you” are considered
> noise.

The blog ends with *"This post focuses on Stack Overflow, but most of it applies to the broader Stack Exchange network as well."* Are there lessons for us here at MO?