The title attribute in the page of a question like [Comparison between $E_2$-terms of Leray and “second hypercohomology” spectral sequences]( is currently set to "ag.algebraic geometry - Comparison between $E_2$-terms of Leray and “second hypercohomology” spectral sequences - MathOverflow" and I'd prefer if the title started with the question (it could still contain a tag after the question, or do away with the tag altogether). The reason is that my browser (like most, I think) has tabs and displays the title in the tab; with a few tabs open all I can see of each title is the tag, which is not very informative: I'd prefer to see the intial portion of the question.

EDIT: I followed [Kaveh]('s advice and am using the following simpleminded script:

    (function () {
      var j = document.title.indexOf(" - ");
      if (j!=-1) document.title = document.title.substring(j+3);

If you use, say, Firefox, with the [dotjs extension](, you can store that text in the file named `~/.js/` and it'll remove the tag from the question titles. (As you can see above it is a blunt tool, it just removes everything to the left of the first occurence of "space dash space".)