On MO 1.0 we had, after some discussions and conflicts but still, what I think was a quite smoothly and efficiently working process of deleting "bad" content. It seems with the move to MO 2.0 this process of manual deletions came more-or-less to a halt.
Two main reasons for this could be:
There is now an auto-deletion script so there is less need to do so.
The deletion interface changed and makes it easy to overlook existing votes.
Are there any other reasons? Should we try to re-start manual deletions or is the situation fine anyway?
For those that might not know as 10k+ user one can vote to delete questions (with 20k+ one can delete certain answers). Lists of recent existing votes are available under "tools"; for example a list of pending votes over the last 30 days [10k+ only]. The list can be considerably expanded clicking the triangle; yet if the list is too long it can get cut-off, choosing a different period of time (14d, 2d, yesterday) sometimes yields different lists.