I'd like to propose creation of [tag:continuum-theory] tag. To me (as an outsider, but still a bit interested in this topic) it seems that [continuum theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continuum_theory) is an area of general topology which enjoys some interest both among topologists and among mathematicians in general. (For example, one part of Open Problems in Topology is dedicated to continuum theory - 2 chapters in the first volume, 8 chapters in the second one.) Quick search reveals several questions on the main reveals several questions with the word [continuum](https://mathoverflow.net/search?q=%5Bgn.general-topology%5D+continuum+is%3Aq) or [continua](https://mathoverflow.net/search?q=%5Bgn.general-topology%5D+continua+is%3Aq) - of course, sometimes this word might be used in different meanings, but if you browse a bit among the search results you can see that several of those question are from this area or closely related to this topic. The tag called (continuum-theory) also [exists on Mathematics site](https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/tagged/continuum-theory). (See also [the tag-info](https://math.stackexchange.com/tags/continuum-theory/info).) Since it's [creation in September](https://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/3740/2017/9/30) it attracted 11 questions.