So I have posted a question on MO. It may not be the greatest question in the world, but for some reason it is attracting the attention of some crank user repeatedly signing up as a new (different) user & posting the [same answer] ( Slightly more annoyingly, its appearances seem to tie in with downvotes. I am not sure it is the user in question (or even whether a new user can downvote?), but it seems likely. Does this happen a lot on MO? I have flagged the post on 3 separate occasions. Do I keep doing this ad nauseum? Update Since link has died, at [Incnis Mrsi's]( request, have copied text from first annoying post here: >You plotted nothing and it's clear that your intersections are not on the critical line since they describe a sinusoidal sequence. Sorry to be tough. >Someone has posted a question with 2 interesting links of the visualization of the Riemann Zeta Function I don't know why his question was on hold but that is what the critical line would looks like. See here and [here]( for the 3D plot ...etc.