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Why was my spam flag declined on an answer that does nothing but promote the answerer's book?

I recently encountered an answer that does nothing but refer to the poster's book: Please look pages 141-147 of the book: S. Saitoh and Y. Sawano, Theory of Reproducing Kernels and Applications, ...
EJoshuaS - Stand with Ukraine's user avatar
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Proper protocol for edit wars

In this question, I made an edit to change the formatting because I thought it was inappropriate (related meta discussion). The author swiftly reverted my edit to restore the original version, ...
Federico Poloni's user avatar
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Questions seemingly/apparently/ostensibly too elementary for overlfow

Well I don't really get notifications of flag responses sooo... Nov 6 at 14:01 helpful - I suggest you take this up in meta; there is not enough space to answer here. But there are a number of ...
BCLC's user avatar
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What about talking about life? How to work, manage, organize, and so forth?

My question comes from a general an recurrent observation on MO (and more generally in the real academic life): doing research (in mathematics) is a whole ecosystem, full of different tasks and ...
Desiderius Severus's user avatar
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Tag scores, tag badges, and CW answers

I have a couple of questions concerning the score for specific tags, and the corresponding tag badges. It appears that community wiki (CW) answers do not count towards tag badges, even when they ...
Ricardo Andrade's user avatar
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Triangle commutative diagram does not work here at MO

I frequently tried to draw a triangle commutative diagram similar to the definition of projective modules for this question. A module associated to an endomorphism of a vector bundle so I ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Tags "riemann-zeta-function" and "zeta-functions" are almost identical

I have discovered that the following two tags are too similar to each other: riemann-zeta-function, with 299 questions tagged, has the description The Riemann zeta function is the function of one ...
Alex M.'s user avatar
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Why are some non-research questions so highly upvoted?

It is not difficult to find soft questions on the website which do not clearly strike as research level. To give examples of some: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Yet some of them are upvoted so highly that even many ...
Shimura Variety's user avatar
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Is this the right community for "under-the-hood" math questions?

I've posted a few questions in the Mathematics Stack Exchange community asking about theoretical concerns, such as "Why is $\frac{\frac{1}{x}}{\frac{1}{x^2}+1}=\frac{x}{x^2+1}$ true for all $x$?&...
Brian J. Fink's user avatar
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Does MathOverflow help people get past paywalls?

I just came across the following question: Kaczorowski's paper on Distribution of Primes In case the question gets deleted or closed in the future, the OP asks for a specific reference, which is ...
Stanley Yao Xiao's user avatar
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Voting to close a question as off-topic because it's a notorious open problem

I just voted to close a question which was equivalent to Goldbach's conjecture. When I had to give the reason, I didn't really know what to pick. Off-topic? It is definitely a research question, so... ...
Wolfgang's user avatar
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A remark on the abc conjecture

It went/goes something like this: "It [the abc conjecture] resembles a false proposition in that A GREAT DEAL of results would follow from its veracity". I may have read it in the comments of a ...
José Hdz. Stgo.'s user avatar
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Is this physical motivation appropriate for the question? (or any such question in general)?

In this question, I have two ways of reconstructing signal from finite Fourier coefficients (0 to 4kHz only), one being the Fourier partial sum $S_f$ and other (math motivation of question) lets call $...
Rajesh D's user avatar
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Student trying to cheat in an exam

This deleted question (10k+ users only) is a student who just copied exam questions and wanted help, and admitted it in the comments to me before deleting the question. I would like this question to ...
David Roberts's user avatar
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How to find the meta-thread of an MO-thread at hand? Is there one? Should there be?

Questions. (0) How to find out for an MO question at hand whether it already has anything like its canonical meta-thread? (1) Should, in your opinion, every MO question automatically generate a meta-...
Peter Heinig's user avatar
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Can there be a MathOverflow Careers?

SO has a Careers site* for finding a programming-related job. Would a Careers site be feasible on MO? $^*$ When you are on StackOverflow, the top menu looks like this...
AAM111's user avatar
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Why is reputation change more than total reputation?

Could not find info on this anywhere: following a notification I went to a link where one sees: $$ \begin{array}{ccc} +1206& 1,008& 861\\ \textrm{change}&\textrm{total reputation}&\...
მამუკა ჯიბლაძე's user avatar
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What happens to reputation when I get merged?

A while ago I sent an email to the stackexchange team on recovering my account They said I should create a new account and merge it with the old one. This ...
David Benjamin Lim's user avatar
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Procedure for requesting a complete removal from MathOverflow

With any online community, as the users and the company owning the domain change, it is inevitable that some users will want to exit the community. For example, many Facebook users deleted their ...
David White - gone from MO's user avatar
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Asking questions later

I have a question about my MathOverflow post: Sequence without average density (It's deleted!) I've asked it on 15.07.20 (currently yesterday), and in several few minutes realized that USA's time is ...
Gordem's user avatar
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Migration from mathoverflow to other stackexchange sites

I've never figured out how "migration" works, but I've repeatedly seen its existence mentioned, and I've seen migrated questions. Thus when I posted a question about the shape of the earth to math (...
Michael Hardy's user avatar
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I keep getting reputation points for an answer to a CW question

I keep getting reputation points for an answer to the question Most intriguing mathematical epigraphs which has been made community wiki some days ago. Not that I don't like it but...
მამუკა ჯიბლაძე's user avatar
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Off _topic question

I would appreciate if you help me to underestand why is this question counted as off_topic. Is realy all embedding of $F_{2}$ in $SO3$ an obvious question? Thank you. Edit: The MO question has ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Reopening a question

Is it a good idea to reopen this question? I really can not get a complete answer from some comments on (the final version) of the question.
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Unification of two accounts

I have two accounts "loup blanc" on Math Overflow. One is unregistered, dated Aug 3, 2012 (reputation 26), and the other is registered. Is it possible to unify the two accounts into the second one?
loup blanc's user avatar
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Why I am not allowed to answer protected questions?

I'm a new user of MathOverflow. In the privileges section, it says that I can now answer protected question. But in reality, when I visited this protected question, it says: I'm not counting the ...
user avatar
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Are "old" questions/answers eligible for badges?

This is a trivia question, the only reason I dare to bring this up is because we have entertained similar curiosities here on Meta about the functioning of MO. An old accepted answer of mine from ...
Carlo Beenakker's user avatar
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Invisible posts

The post, Freedom of speech in scientific discussions - An invitation to more tolerance in Scientific debates, is currently invisible on the meta front page. I take it this is due to the large ...
Gerry Myerson's user avatar
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Why isn't "Nobody has answered" on the multiple-choice list of reasons for a bounty?

When one is asked "Why are you starting this bounty?" the multiple-choice list of answers does not include "Nobody has answered the question." Choosing the answer that says it has ...
Michael Hardy's user avatar
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Undelete a post

Is there any possibility of undeleting a post? I know it was closed years ago as not MO level. So maybe it could be undeleted and then moved to MSE? Just because it hosts a discussion which is ...
ziggurism's user avatar
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Long post fails to render

In one MathOverflow answer by me, the MathJax code added latest fails to render correctly. Instead, one $ tag is ignored and for the rest on the line, code inside <...
Arvid Samuelsson's user avatar
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I can not find one question I have already asked

I had already asked a question as follows: "Is there a one dimensional foliation of a two dimensional manifold whose foliation groupoid is diffeomorphic to a 3 sphere with two north pole. The ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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MO account continuity

My email account was virtually destroyed by a computer virus, on my Mac. Thus, I stay away from this whole thing by not even using my regular Mac unix account. Instead, I use a Mac guest account (a ...
Wlod AA's user avatar
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how to correct an erroneous edit

"Black adder" edited my answer to a question asking for a proof of noether normalization. the edit was nicely done, except in the next to last sentence a change was made from "≤ d" to "less than d", ...
roy smith's user avatar
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Is this question migratable to MO?

Is it worth migrating this question to MO, from math.SE? It seems elementary but did not get any response on MSE even after 10 days.
Rajesh D's user avatar
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Why is my question on martingales off-topic and not migrated?

Here is my question: I said in the beginning to please migrate if needed. Could it be on-topic ...
BCLC's user avatar
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MathOverflow's Facebook page

The Facebook page for MathOverflow is currently pulled from the Wikipedia article. The Twitter account has no avatar and only 90 follows. The most active is the Google+ account, which posted about ...
Tom LaGatta's user avatar
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Updated questions

The following question of mine frequently appears as recently updated question so I frequently find it at front page. But neither me nor other participants did any revise or edit on this post and its ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Negative reputation?

I found this in the "Users" listing What is negative reputation? The profile for this user (who was last here 3 years ago) shows reputation 101.
Gerald Edgar's user avatar
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Is it possible to close my account without deleting it ?

I feel like, for some reason, I am not able to ask interesting questions here anymore. So it would probably be better to have my account closed. Still I asked some well-received questions in the past ...
Sylvain JULIEN's user avatar
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Help finding question

I am seeking a link to a question I posed myself, but which I can no longer find, either with Google site: or with StackExchange search (...
Joseph O'Rourke's user avatar
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Cancel command in MO post

Why the \cancel command does not work in the last part of the following post: A cohomology associated to a Riemannian manifold I would like to strike through the last part of the ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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The "Oldest" answer

Assume that a given question has several answers. So in the answer part there are 3 button "Active", "Oldest" and "Vote" When we clique on "oldest", we lead to a unique answer. Is ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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Can one see the latest activities in "big list" questions without reading all answers again?

There is a good question here. It is a "big list" question. sometimes it appears in active list. So I want to know what activity done there? but how? Can one see the latest activities in "big ...
user 1's user avatar
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Giving a question a recent "activity" though nothing is visible?

It happens occasionally that a question is marked "Active: Today" but clicking on this doesn't show any recent activity. I guess that this happens whenever somebody deletes his/her answer. So far so ...
Wolfgang's user avatar
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Ordered rings tag

I've noticed that while there are tags ordered-groups and ordered-fields, there is no tag ordered-rings. The issue is that there was a little amount of questions with this tag. So it got deleted. I ...
Jakobian's user avatar
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Question visibility and reputation

I wonder whether the visibility of a post changes according to the user's reputation asking the question. Is it also known if a user's posts' visibility is affected by other actions, like having ...
M.Ivanov's user avatar
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Why does this figure do not appear?

I add a Picture "GaussBonnet with Jpeg format to the following question but it does not work. (Some possible obstructions to ) Limit cycles as closed geodesics(3) Can one help me to resolve ...
Ali Taghavi's user avatar
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What I can do if my questions limit had been reached in MO from long time?

Really, I'm interested in posting new questions in MathOverflow such that I have some unanswered questions in S.E which I want to post them in MO, but my questions limit had been reached for some ...
zeraoulia rafik's user avatar
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Why I see "question eligible for bounty since 1 hour ago" and not "start bounty" button

I had asked this question 2 days back, and now I see at the bottom, the link " question eligible for bounty since 1 hour ago", and if I click on it, it takes me to the bounty information page. I don'...
Rajesh D's user avatar
  • 702

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