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0 votes
0 answers

Suggestions for merging redundant tags [duplicate]

I don't yet have the required reputation nor the answer-votes, yet I'd like to suggest identifying the tags isoperimetry & isoperimetric-problems with the (already synonymous) pair calculus-of-...
11 votes
1 answer

Notification doesn't go away

I have a notification of a reply to a comment of mine which doesn't disappear from the notification icon on the top of the page. I click on it and it clears but, when I refresh the page or go to ...
16 votes
0 answers

Redundant ways to close as off-topic/better on MSE [duplicate]

Right now, there are 4 ways to vote to close a question as off-topic. "This question does not appear to be about research level mathematics within the scope defined in the help center." "...
2 votes
2 answers

Accepting One's own Answer

Is there a way to accept one's own answer? I know, that question is a bit strange, but I can imagine situations, where that could make sense, e.g. to indicate that the author of the questions ...
22 votes
2 answers

MathOverflow @ ICM2014 : We Want You!

This post will raise several questions/issues on which I want community feedback. Background: Inspired by Tim Post's offer Mugs, Stickers And Shirts - Now With 100% More MathOverflow! , I++ decided ...
10 votes
0 answers

Extending questions and answers gradually

If someone answers my question and I want to generalize it, how should I do it? Is it ok to gradually extend my question as answers improve? An answer to a question I wanted to ask may show me that I ...
3 votes
1 answer

Why don't I see the reputation gain?

Today I answered for the first time a question, and afterwards received an email to complete my registration. But upon completion I now only see the 101 points from ...
5 votes
2 answers

What to do about question which are inappropriately migrated from MSE to MO?

This question has been migrated from MSE by a moderator as well as closed for being off-topic. As I recall, MSE consider to have in principle a scope that encompasses the scope of MO (i.e. all math ...
67 votes
6 answers

The Association Bonus

One new feature that's come along with the transition is the "association bonus", which allows members of Math Stackexchange --- and other sites that are much further removed from the mission of MO ---...
15 votes
0 answers

"Questions" of the type "I have written something, please give me feedback"

I have now today seen several questions (this and this) which asks for feedback on research articles, rather than stating explictit questions. There is of course a gray zone, but I wonder a bit what ...
15 votes
3 answers

Closing as duplicate

Many things changed when MathOverflow joined the Stack Exchange Network a year ago. While most changes were quickly absorbed a few are more subtle and might have been missed by some. In particular, ...
8 votes
1 answer

Elementary questions

Is there any reason for answers like "Too elementary/trivial", "Not research level" and so forth? I understand what the level of this site is, but at times it would take 3 minutes to give a proper ...
3 votes
0 answers

Sorting users by tags

"Users" lists all users (ordered by weekly/monthly/../total reputation), each followed by a number of tags, related to his/her MO-activity. My question is: Is it possible to view the list of all ...
10 votes
1 answer

Quickly Accessible MathJax Help

I recently had the problem of encoding big brackets in a formula in my question "Functions that Calculate their $L_p$ Norm" and, I could find nothing under "How to Format > MathJax equations", as the ...
8 votes
0 answers

TeX sometimes displays incorrectly on search pages

When I type a search into the search box, sometimes the list of questions returned contains incorrectly handled TeX (of the sort that once was common all over the place here). Here is an example: ...
11 votes
2 answers

Why adding a comment requires 50 reputation points?

When a new member tries to write a comment he sees “add comment (requires 50 reputation)” but of course he has no so many points. On the other hand, answering does not require any reputation. Then the ...
4 votes
1 answer

Is this question appropriate? (What features should a mathematician look for in a tablet computer)

I'm getting ready to buy my first tablet computer and I have some fairly specific things I need it to be able to do so that it can be an effective tool for my research. I need it to be able to compile ...
-2 votes
2 answers

Criteria of considering relevance of the question to the domain of research topics

Please look at In my view, it is clearly a specific research question - it is not a general ...
3 votes
2 answers

Why is this question considered undergraduate?

The question is closed because it is considered "undergraduate"... could someone explain me how in ...
11 votes
1 answer

Is the question "Why fund the research in pure mathematics?" allowed on MO?

Because it's now very "sensitive" to ask soft-questions on MO, I prefer to take my care. I would like ask "Why fund the research in pure mathematics?" on MO (in community-wiki mode), with the tags: ...
-9 votes
2 answers

Play the game: an observation about the reputation [closed]

MO is a nice Q&A network. Its niceness comes partly from the fact that it's funny, thanks to the existence of the reputation points. Normally, mature mathematicians shouldn't need a system with ...
5 votes
1 answer

Edits by anonymous users - when are they the "Community" bot?

I ask because I just turned down a minor edit on something that seemed to be done and dusted back in 2010, and the edit came with a comment briefly justifying it. Now I see that the edit has been ...
5 votes
1 answer

Can 10K+ users see deleted questions?

After a short discussion in comment with 10K+ user, I noticed a fatal flaw in the question, wrote "Thank you" and not before long deleted the question. Not sure the 10K+ user saw my final comment. ...
9 votes
0 answers

Why was the question about "expected difference of random variables" put on hold?

As I explained in the answer to the question The metric of the expected difference of random variables, I don't see any reason for closing it other than simple misunderstanding (to put it mildly) on ...
4 votes
0 answers

Where is the canonical place to submit Mathjax bug reports?

For example, here is an issue I've been having with Chrome on a Nexus tablet.
7 votes
0 answers

Can I migrate this question to Mathoverflow?

I asked the question "Which sets occur as boundaries of other sets in topological spaces?" on MathStackExchange on June 23, thinking that the answer is probably known, but there are no answers yet. ...
4 votes
0 answers

list of tags in chronological order

Is there a way to see a list all tags in chronological order (date created). I know one can see 'new' created tags, but my question is about all tags.
2 votes
2 answers

Formulas in the title of the questions

Why don't many of the people who ask a question in MO use math environment for their formulas in the title of the questions?
1 vote
0 answers

Why not restoring the + 10 reputation for questions but make each negative vote also count -10 reputation?

To maintain MO alive and well, we need a regular flow of good questions, and not too many bad questions. It seems to me that one has given more weight to the latter, forgetting the former which in my ...
9 votes
3 answers

Why has the question "Optical methods for number theory?" been closed?

Edit: The MO question has now been reopened, and the two answers here that addressed it have been copied across. The question Optical methods for number theory? was put on hold. While answers are ...
7 votes
1 answer

Curious, Inquisitive, Socratic badges

I've suddenly earned several Curious, Inquisitive, and Socratic badges. I'm curious: Are these newly created badges?
13 votes
0 answers

Should/may I delete this flawed question?

Two days ago I asked the following question: Does a lisse $\ell$-adic sheaf give rise to an affine group scheme? Even though I had been thinking about the question for half a week, I was half an hour ...
5 votes
1 answer

What happens when a question with a bounty is migrated?

I asked a question a few days ago which has received no responses (comments or answers) in spite of the fact that I put a 150 point bounty on it yesterday. It is quite possible that it just hasn't ...
2 votes
2 answers

migration issues

I dealt with two questions today that seemed on the more elementary side in terms of mathematical content. Geoff Robinson posted some interesting answers, more so than my attempts. Coincidentally, ...
19 votes
2 answers

asking questions outside of field of expertise

MathOverflow + Math.StackExchanage are great resources for learning and talking about mathematics. Often, I can get constructive and informative discussions leading to progress. MathOverflow is a ...
4 votes
1 answer

Problem replying to comments

Usually, I'm able to address a comment to someone by writing "@[whoever]" before the text; but in a comment to a recent question (Compact, densely ordered spaces) I wasn't able to do this: when I ...
3 votes
1 answer

How can a new user review suggested edits?

I have just noticed at that a user user4148 who registered only today has already reviewed one suggested edit. -- How is this possible?
12 votes
1 answer

May I borrow the question/answer editing/preview gadgets?

That is, I really like the feel and responsiveness of these gadgets (much better than LyX, for instance) and would like to use them offline. Is this actually possible? Are there licensing issues? ...
16 votes
1 answer

On a question that was deleted recently.

I noticed that yesterday a question that received many upvotes (>40) and no downvotes, and which mathematically seems quite interesting was deleted by a Stack Exchange Moderator. I definitely don't ...
14 votes
1 answer

Interpretation of Time-limit for Editing Comments

Yesterday I had written a comment and, after 4 minutes began editing it. After having finished my editing, I tried to save the comment and was prompted with the message, that editing is only possible ...
5 votes
0 answers

I think I solved an old problem, can someone please check it for me?

Sorry if this is inappropriate to ask on meta, but back in April I updated an old answer of mine that is over two years old here, on the existence of a zero sum subset problem. I suspect due to how ...
3 votes
1 answer

Grassmann's "general theory of forms": an appropriate question for MathOverflow?

The prospective question: I quote from Petsche's Hermann Graßmann: Biography (emphasis mine): The mathematical part of the book begins with the conception of the “General Theory of Forms”. ...
12 votes
1 answer

the correct way to "cross-post"?

Obviously is to not cross-post at all. If I asked a question on Math.SE the crickets chirp, how do I move it to MO? Or rephrase in an acceptable way? I think we've all done it one or twice asked a ...
3 votes
1 answer

When and how to post a question on

I have recently posted the following question on MO: "Approximation with Predefined Topology of Niveau Sets", which received close to zero attention. Igor Khavkine was so kind to make me aware of ...
5 votes
1 answer

Order of the tags at MO

I have seen a post suggesting that in SE network a tags for the question should be shown ordered by the popularity (i.e., by the number of questions): Are the tags shown in a particular order? But ...
10 votes
0 answers

Area 51 Proposal: Sage and its subcomponents

I proposed a Q&A site for Sage and all its subcomponents viz. GAP, Pari, Singular, Sympy, ... on Area51 here. I thought many mathematicians here who use Sage in their research and teaching here ...
6 votes
2 answers

undoing an upvote versus reversing it

I recently upvoted an answer to one of my questions. The answer was wrong, but I thought it was helpful enough to earn an upvote. A couple of hours later, the answer changed significantly and (in ...
4 votes
0 answers

Vote to reopen question regarding connected and total domination on the queen's graph

[Note: Now reopened!] The question concerns the limit as $n\to\infty$ of $\gamma_t(Q_n)/n$. It is known to be between $\frac{4}{7}$ and $\frac{2}{3}$. As connected and total domination the queen'...
2 votes
1 answer

Display attempt shuts down mobile browser

I am using a Droid2 phone with mobile browser version 2.3.4. Most of the time I can display items on MO, meta, and related sites reasonably well, even the full site versions. A few minutes ago, I ...
-1 votes
1 answer

How can I convince mathematicians that my question on Fourier transforms and singularities is very important to be solved and it is worth their time

How can I convince mathematicians that this question is very important to be solved and it is worth their time. This question has practical applications, but I don't know the right procedure/forum to ...

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