Questions tagged [unanswered-questions]

Unanswered questions are those questions which have neither an accepted answer nor answers with positive vote count. Note that our definition is strict!

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35 votes
4 answers

Answers in comments are increasingly more common

I have checked a random sample of questions in the main page, and it seems that almost every one of them has some form of answer in the comments, apart from completely unanswered/untouched ones. This ...
2 votes
1 answer

sort unanswered questions by date

I am sure this used to be possible. However now, when I select "unanswered" the query is obviously answered by sorting via votes received and I don't know how to sort unanswered questions by date, ...
4 votes
1 answer

Auto-bumping of unanswered questions

Like many users, I suppose, I have wondered how and when an old question gets bumped by the system. (Of course an edit or a new answer bumps a question: I'm not asking about this.) From Francois ...
8 votes
1 answer

New queue for questions without an accepted answer

In the questions section one can find a special queue for unanswered questions. It is for attracting more attention of the community and getting a possible answer in the future. Is it possible to ...
4 votes
0 answers

Flagging questions answered in comments

Several times e.g. here and its links, people have discussed the issue of questions of effectively answered in the comments, both here and on MSE, which remain in the unanswered queue. Despite the ...
11 votes
3 answers

"This question has been answered in the comments."

Athanagor Wurlitzer has recently been adding answers saying "This question has been answered in the comments" (see, e.g. I'm inclined to delete these answers (...
10 votes
1 answer

Questions answered in a comment

It may happen that a question has zero answers, but is actually already answered satisfactorily in a comment. An example is this question. I think this is somewhat misleading, as the "0 answers" ...