Questions tagged [tag-wikis]

Tag-wiki is an editable page that briefly summarizes the topic of the tag and that may provide links to existing questions that are often useful to many people. Sometimes tag-wiki also includes short guideline about which questions are appropriate for the given tag. You are currently reading the excerpt of a tag wiki.

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14 votes
2 answers

Recent suggested tag wiki edits

Today [Apr 21 '16] and yesterday there were a considerable number of suggested edits to previously empty tag wikis and tag wiki excerpts (browse here; viewing the full list requires >=10K points, I ...
Stefan Kohl's user avatar
  • 19.5k
12 votes
1 answer

On convexity tags

The tags on convexity are convex-geometry ($\times$560), convex-analysis ($\times$ 266), convexity ($\times$ 420). Here the number is the current (2019/02/23) number of uses and I ignore some more ...
YCor's user avatar
  • 60.4k
8 votes
2 answers

Should tag-wiki include a source where it is taken from?

The main purpose of the tag-info (and especially the tag-excerpt) is to help with tagging. This is especially important for the tags with ambiguous name. But usually tag-info also contains some brief ...
Martin Sleziak's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Tag info for deformation theory tag

Deformation theory tag info is very minimal and says almost nothing: deformation theory is the study of infinitesimal conditions associated with ...
Praphulla Koushik's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Tags "riemann-zeta-function" and "zeta-functions" are almost identical

I have discovered that the following two tags are too similar to each other: riemann-zeta-function, with 299 questions tagged, has the description The Riemann zeta function is the function of one ...
Alex M.'s user avatar
  • 5,282
1 vote
0 answers

Create usage guidance for 2-categories tag

The 2-categories tag has no usage guidance, can you help us create it? This is what the 2-categories tag page says. Can some one create usage ...
Praphulla Koushik's user avatar
-2 votes
3 answers

Is it ok to ask for explanation of content in question?

I can not explain with out taking an example. See this question Gauge theory on schemes. I hear "Gauge theory" every now and then and wanted to know what it is about. I did not enjoy reading ...
Praphulla Koushik's user avatar